View Full Version : Delayed File Install and Rollback

01-20-2016, 09:29 AM
If we are using the method of "wrapping" the install file commands in a Delayed File Install "block" is that redundant with Rollback functionality? What does rollback do that a Delayed File Install doesn't do (or vice versa)? If we uninstall a previous version prior to installing new files, is there a way to get that version back if the install of the new version fails?

01-21-2016, 03:22 AM
Hi Mark,

If you do an uninstall, then the files and changes (registry, INI, etc.) are gone -- including the uninstall .exe and .log. You can't "undo" an uninstall.

If you are doing a web install (or update) then using a Delayed File Install block is a good idea (it downloads all files first and after that installs them). Or if you are using binary patching technology. Or if you update an existing application and you don't know whether there are "locked" files.


01-21-2016, 08:45 AM
We're running into the "locked" file situation. The Delayed File Install seemed good, but even if it catches it our previous version has still be uninstalled already.

There's no way to wrap both the uninstallation and installation into an atomic operation?

01-22-2016, 06:09 AM
Unfortunately, this is not possible. An uninstall runs as a separate process, it removes all logged entries and then it removes itself from the machine. This can't be rolled back.

Wouldn't it be possible to detect the "locked" files before you begin the file installation process? E.g., if the setup detected locked files in the target folder(s), terminate the install to avoid system manipulations.


01-22-2016, 08:37 AM
Yes, that's what we're trying to do with this version of the installer. I was just trying to see if we could cover all potential bases. Thanks Friedrich.