View Full Version : Comodo question

01-27-2016, 09:25 AM
Friedrich, I tried to send this via email but it was rejected as Spam?????

Hi Friedrich

I just ordered my new certificate. I requested a SHA2 certificate and got
this (see attached):

Is this a SHA1 certificate and if so why? Have they sent the wrong one? Does
it matter? It is a 3 year certificate.



01-27-2016, 09:50 AM
Hi John,

> Friedrich, I tried to send this via email but it was rejected as Spam?????

Hmmm, strange. I'll whitelist your domain.

> I just ordered my new certificate. I requested a SHA2 certificate and got
> this (see attached):
> Is this a SHA1 certificate and if so why? Have they sent the wrong one?
> Does it matter? It is a 3 year certificate.

"Thumbprint algorithm" is just another name for a hash function. In Windows
systems, the SHA-1 hash function is used when the "thumbprint" of a
certificate is generated. If you have received a new certificate from
Comodo then it is definitely SHA-2 based. See attached screenshot from my
SHA-2 based certificate ;-)


01-28-2016, 02:46 AM
Thanks Friedrich. Talk about confusing!

Anyway the process was easy enough at least. Yes strange about the Spam
issue. First time ever I have had problems sending email.

