View Full Version : Install on Windows vista failed

03-11-2016, 02:31 AM
My laptop at home is Vista.. Our software should run on it.. but the
install doesn't.. I run my install and nothing shows up.. at all.

Any idea?


Ray Rippey
VMT Software

03-11-2016, 02:32 AM
> My laptop at home is Vista.. Our software should run on it.. but the
> install doesn't.. I run my install and nothing shows up.. at all.
> Any idea?

Hi Ray,

How do you have the manifest set (what OS version) on your program EXE and
also on the installer?


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03-11-2016, 02:32 AM
My exe programs manifests are set UAC asInvoker and Compatibility
Windows 10.
with the checks Do not add Manifestdependency elment, skip if
manifested, and permanent... I know only one of my files are already
manifested via the bo templates.. the rest are not.

As far as the dwsetup.exe (my install), I don't know where the manifest
is for that.. I thought there used to be a place where you could tell
what OS's it was compatible with.. can't find that.. still looking..looking.

Nope. Can't find it in setupbuilder. Probably having a blind day :)


Ray Rippey

VMT Software

03-11-2016, 02:33 AM

> Nope. Can't find it in setupbuilder. Probably having a blind day :)

All SB installs are manifested. The only option is "Execution Level"
on the Generator tab under General Information.

Lee White

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03-11-2016, 03:57 AM
Hi Ray,

Make sure your install is "requireAdministrator" manifested (the default)
and then try to run it in event logging mode:

setup.exe /E

What does the resulting "c:\sbevents.txt" report?

Perhaps you have some code in your script (e.g. "Exit Installation") that
programmatically terminates your installer on Vista? If you are interested,
send me your project file and I'll review your code.


03-15-2016, 03:10 AM
> What does the resulting "c:\sbevents.txt" report?

I went home this weekend after creating a new install. It still wouldn't
work if I just tried running the install from windows explorer.

However, I moved the install to the root directory and ran it from dos
and it ran fine... then ran it with the /E to get the attached text
file. Hopefully not too many people are trying to run our demo on Vista
machines, but it would still be nice to know it is still possible.

Also, my software ran just fine.. it was just an install issue.

Ray Rippey
VMT Software

03-15-2016, 03:54 AM

Of course, installers created with SetupBuilder work fine on Vista. This
issue has definitely absolutely nothing to do with SetupBuilder.

Just for fun, try to run the SetupBuilder install image on your Vista
machine. What happens?


03-15-2016, 03:54 AM
For example, this one:


03-15-2016, 05:23 AM
FYI: SetupBuilder 10 installer image on Vista (see attached screenshot).

Started directly from Windows Explorer. There is definitely no problem
running a SetupBuilder 10 generated installer on an UAC-aware Windows
operating system (including Vista).


03-16-2016, 02:16 AM
> For example, this one:
> http://www.lindersoft.com/downloads/sb100_5074_dev_trial.exe
> Friedrich
I'll send the link home and try it... like I said, it runs fine from the
cmd prompt... probably something in my machine. I'll try this.. if it
works then it's probably something in my script.


Ray Rippey
VMT Software

03-16-2016, 04:09 AM
Hi Ray,

> I'll send the link home and try it... like I said, it runs fine from the
> cmd prompt... probably something in my machine. I'll try this.. if it
> works then it's probably something in my script.

I have downloaded your (dual code-signed) trial version and tested it on
three different Vista machines (installer launched through Windows Explorer
from "c:\yada", the network share and the Desktop). It always worked as
expected (see attached screenshot).


03-17-2016, 02:49 AM
> I have downloaded your (dual code-signed) trial version and tested it

Thanks.. I really appreciate it. Now I know it's my machine. Wow, above
and beyond.

Ray Rippey
VMT Software