View Full Version : "Code signing process failed" - WHY?

06-06-2016, 02:13 AM
Hello Friedrich and all others,

with no luck I try to tinker simple test installer.

I am on the latest SB10, downloaded the latest SIGNTOOL.EXE, I have my PFX-file
from Comodo, but all I get is that §$%&! error code 1

See attached codesigning_process_failed.PNG

What do I do wrong?

That process seems to be so simple, yet I fail. I hate that!!!!

Thanks in advance,
Wolfgang Orth

06-06-2016, 02:14 AM
> I am on the latest SB10, downloaded the latest SIGNTOOL.EXE, I have my PFX-file
> from Comodo, but all I get is that §$%&! error code 1
> See attached codesigning_process_failed.PNG
> What do I do wrong?
> That process seems to be so simple, yet I fail. I hate that!!!!


Nine times out of ten it is caused by your AV program trying to "protect"

I see it from time to time. Usually I just tell Build Automator to
recompile (I use that to drive SetupBuilder) and it works fine the next

Try shutting off your AV program.


Charles Edmonds

cjeByteMeSpammers@lansrad.com (remove the "ByteMeSpammers" to email me)
www.clarionproseries.com - ProScan, ProImage, ProPath and other Clarion
developer tools!
www.solidsoftware.de - ImageEx and RichReport templates!
www.seal-soft.com - The xProduct Clarion templates - xWordCOM, xToolTip,
xDataBackup Manager and more!
www.ezchangelog.com - "Free ChangeLog software to manage your projects!"
www.setupcast.com - "A revolutionary new publishing system for software
developers - enhanced for SetupBuilder users!"
www.pagesnip.com - "Print and Save the Web, just the way you want it!"
www.ezround.com - "Round Corner HTML tables with matching Banners, Buttons
and Forms - Now with PNG support!
www.lansrad.com - "Intelligent Solutions for Universal Problems"
www.fotokiss.com - "World's Best Auction Photo Editor"

06-06-2016, 02:15 AM
vielleicht... ????

Jane Fleming

06-06-2016, 02:16 AM

> That process seems to be so simple, yet I fail. I hate that!!!!

What Jane and Charles said.

You have downloaded the latest SIGNTOOL.EXE but you are not using it <g>.
The version number in your SIGNTOOL.EXE screenshot says 10.0.10240.16384,
but in your SetupBuilder IDE you are still using 6.0.6001.17131.

If it still does not work, check your configuration settings (e.g. your
certificate password) and protection software (e.g. does your security
software blocks access to the timestamp server or does it block

And last but not least, make sure Microsoft Capicom is installed and

The following SetupBuilder tool lets you install Capicom (if you need it):


06-06-2016, 10:08 AM
I get that VERY often, in my case the timestamp failed.
To rectify this, I either wait and try again later, or if I am impatient, I
simply change for another one. So much so, SB has a dropdown!
There are quite a few available on the interweb.


06-07-2016, 01:58 AM
How do you choose whether to wait or try again later? I always
struggle with that decision. <g>

Jeff Slarve
Twitter free since Jan 11, 2016
I'll search help files & Google for you.

Grammar troll's, are the worse.

06-07-2016, 09:51 AM

Dan Scott

06-08-2016, 12:14 AM
Perhaps its a good idea here to remember, that you should never try to
add a codesign twice to an executeable after a failure. Compile a fresh
one, and try again. You have made changes to the header, which has failed.

Best regards

Edvard Korsbæk.

06-08-2016, 11:18 AM
> Perhaps its a good idea here to remember, that you should never try to
> add a codesign twice to an executeable after a failure. Compile a fresh
> one, and try again. You have made changes to the header, which has failed.

Better yet, don't sign the compiled file, but rather a copy of it.

I use Build Automator to move a copy of the released file into a
distribution folder. Then it calls my SetupBuilder script to sign the
files and create the installer.

If it fails, I simply tell Build Automator to run the script again and the
released executable gets copied again automatically.

Build Automator and SetupBuilder rock together!



Charles Edmonds

cjeByteMeSpammers@lansrad.com (remove the "ByteMeSpammers" to email me)
www.clarionproseries.com - ProScan, ProImage, ProPath and other Clarion
developer tools!
www.solidsoftware.de - ImageEx and RichReport templates!
www.seal-soft.com - The xProduct Clarion templates - xWordCOM, xToolTip,
xDataBackup Manager and more!
www.ezchangelog.com - "Free ChangeLog software to manage your projects!"
www.setupcast.com - "A revolutionary new publishing system for software
developers - enhanced for SetupBuilder users!"
www.pagesnip.com - "Print and Save the Web, just the way you want it!"
www.ezround.com - "Round Corner HTML tables with matching Banners, Buttons
and Forms - Now with PNG support!
www.lansrad.com - "Intelligent Solutions for Universal Problems"
www.fotokiss.com - "World's Best Auction Photo Editor"

06-09-2016, 01:34 PM

Edvard Korsbæk

06-14-2016, 02:31 AM
Hello Jane,

excuse me, please, for my late answer.

Your screenshot helped me a lot! After fixing this setting here, Setupbuilder
now code-signs my Clarion program.

However, I still get that Error 1 and no INSTALL.EXE generated. Seems as if I
still make another mistake.

As this is SB 10 and I have working scripts with older SB versions - is it
possible to simply use those older scripts in SB 10? I should give it a try. I
will report over the next days.

>vielleicht... ????


Wolfgang Orth

06-14-2016, 02:32 AM
Oh yes, Edvard, I ran into this in previous versions.

Since then I always copy a fresh version into a separate folder, from where I
feed the SB-script. Because... each time I think, I have the perfect sinatller
now, I suddenly detect that I have fogotten a comma in the EULA or whatever.


But with SetupBuilder its actually so easy to re-do the creation process, it
does not take that much time. So I do it again.

And again.

And again.


Wolfgang Orth