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01-29-2017, 11:46 AM
I would like to know what this means:

Web Update Status 10.0.5204.0 (N/A)

Does it mean that I cannot do more web updates (Not Available). Should
I do something different in the generation of the new version?.


01-29-2017, 11:47 AM
Hi Carlos,

> Web Update Status 10.0.5204.0 (N/A)
> Does it mean that I cannot do more web updates (Not Available). Should I
> do something different in the generation of the new version?.

Is this coming from Setup Builder or from your install?

Best regards,

Arnor Baldvinsson
Icetips Alta LLC

01-30-2017, 09:43 AM
From my Setup Builder

Carlos A. Rodriguez

01-30-2017, 09:45 AM
Hi Carlos,

> I would like to know what this means:
> Web Update Status 10.0.5204.0 (N/A)
> Does it mean that I cannot do more web updates (Not Available). Should
> I do something different in the generation of the new version?.

"(N/A)" means that the last WebUpdate check date is not stored in the
registry. The standard (non-elevated) check for updates can't write to the
per-machine Windows registry location (and that's by design). Only the
wupdate.exe client can do this. Launch wupdate.exe and this will update the
last "check date". But you only need to do this if you would like to check
for updates once every week, or every 15/30/60 days. Otherwise, the check
is always done when you start the IDE (that's the default).

Does this help?


01-30-2017, 02:11 PM
I'm doing system web updates, and they're not working. My maintenance
plan expired. Can this be influencing web updates.

Carlos A. Rodriguez

01-30-2017, 02:11 PM
Hi Carlos,

> I'm doing system web updates, and they're not working. My maintenance plan
> expired. Can this be influencing web updates.

Once your maintenance and support plan expired, you are not eligible to
update to the latest SB build (released *after* your expiration date).


01-31-2017, 07:45 AM
But my question is. Despite the plan expired, I can continue to do
installation projects and do not malfunction. Or do I have to update the
maintenance plan.


01-31-2017, 08:50 AM
Hi Carlos,

> But my question is. Despite the plan expired, I can continue to do
> installation projects and do not malfunction. Or do I have to update
> the maintenance plan.

Yes, you can continue to do installations. Your SetupBuilder license is a
lifetime license and will *never* expire.

Only the maintenance and support plan (MSP) expired. So you can use the
version that you already have, but you'll not receive new versions,
enhancements or bug fixes. The setupPROTECT SDK requires an active MSP and
will stop working after the plan expired. And you can not request new
Comodo certificates at a discounted price (e.g. $200 instead of $500 for a
3yr certificate) without an active MSP.

But again, the SetupBuilder license itself is still active and not expired.


02-02-2017, 05:31 AM
And what about the webupdate projects, continue working, because some
are not working properly and are the same projects, only a higher
version of the same project.

Carlos A. Rodriguez

02-02-2017, 05:31 AM
Hi Carlos,

> And what about the webupdate projects, continue working, because some are
> not working properly and are the same projects, only a higher version of
> the same project.

That's not caused by the expired maintenance or support plan or SetupBuilder

Four things come to mind: false-positive, certificate with a "bad"
reputation, web update "strategy" issue, server issue.


02-02-2017, 05:32 AM
BTW, what is not working properly in your new web update project(s)?

The Web Update and download technology did not change for years. Even the
'wupdate.exe' and 'wucheck.exe' clients are the same (no recompile) since


02-03-2017, 07:06 AM
Hi Friedrich,

> The Web Update and download technology did not change for years. Even the
> 'wupdate.exe' and 'wucheck.exe' clients are the same (no recompile) since
> 9/28/2015.

I'm still using a wudate.exe script from SB5 or something silly like
that - still works like a charm;)

Best regards,

Arnor Baldvinsson
Icetips Alta LLC

02-03-2017, 07:06 AM
> I'm still using a wudate.exe script from SB5 or something silly like
> that - still works like a charm;)

Thank you, Arnor !!!
