07-03-2017, 07:53 AM
IMPORTANT: We have updated the Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Runtime
Redistributables (both x86 and x64) to build 12.0.40660 (Update 5).
To install the new Core PreRequisites in SetupBuilder 10, please select Help
| Redistributable Manager...
Friedrich Linder
Lindersoft | SetupBuilder |
954.252.3910 (within US) | +1.954.252.3910 (outside US)
--SetupBuilder "point. click. ship"
--Helping You Build Better Installations
--Create Windows 10 ready installations in minutes
--Official COMODO Code Signing and SSL Certificate Partner
IMPORTANT: We have updated the Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Runtime
Redistributables (both x86 and x64) to build 12.0.40660 (Update 5).
To install the new Core PreRequisites in SetupBuilder 10, please select Help
| Redistributable Manager...
Friedrich Linder
Lindersoft | SetupBuilder |
954.252.3910 (within US) | +1.954.252.3910 (outside US)
--SetupBuilder "point. click. ship"
--Helping You Build Better Installations
--Create Windows 10 ready installations in minutes
--Official COMODO Code Signing and SSL Certificate Partner