View Full Version : Hiding Uninstall.log

10-08-2017, 08:32 PM
Greetings! After a long time, I'm back with a couple of questions again. Like always, I will be very much thankful for your assistance.

My first question: Is it possible to hide or disable the log file in the installation folder where uninstall.exe is also stored? I just don't really want to let my users read this log file. That would be really cool, if it's somehow possible to hide it in uninstall.exe file.

Second question: Please just right click on your created setup file, and choose "Properties", and then "Details" section, and you'll see "Language: English (United States)". Is it possible to change this attribute to another language maybe? I translated my entire setup interface into another language, so I would really like to change this little detail too.

Thank you in advance

10-09-2017, 03:23 AM

it is impossible to "hide" the uninstall.log in the uninstall.exe. The uninstall.exe is compiled and code-signed at "compile-time". The uninstall.log is created at installer "run-time". It's not possible to embed the uninstall.log to the uninstall.exe. And when you do an update, the same uninstall.log is used to append all the changes. This can only be done if the uninstall.log is accessible.

To change the "Language", just use #pragma (see attached screenshots).

Does this help?


10-09-2017, 09:37 AM
I understand about the case with uninstaller.log file. Is it maybe possible to create this log in another folder different than uninstaller.exe?

Your language solution works just perfect! Once again thank you very much, Friedrich.

10-21-2017, 06:33 PM
Hi again, I'm actually still wondering, if it's possible to create the Uninstall.log file in another folder different than the one Uninstaller.exe in? Maybe with a custom uninstaller script etc? I understand it is run-time created file, but still wondering which options are available for preventing users to read the content.

Secondarily, I just realized that the infos in "File Properties" -> "Details" don't show up in older Windows' such as W98. "Details" section (Which is called "Version" in W98) of my setup file seem completely blank in W98. But I tested the SetupBuilder installer executable itself in W98, and I viewed the version infos without an issue. I think I must simply unclick some features in my own setup. Could you please let me about the related option?

Thank you in advance

10-23-2017, 02:51 AM

sorry, forgot to answer the uninstaller question. I have opened a ticket for it. In theory, it should be possible to create the .log and .exe in another folder, but in practice it is not. We are looking into this.

Could you please send me a screenshot for your 2nd request. I don't know exactly what you mean.


10-23-2017, 08:38 AM
Hi, for example in WinXP/Win7/Win10 when I click on Properties > Details on my setup.exe, I can see every details I wrote properly. But when I click on Properties > Version (In Win98), I see this:


10-25-2017, 05:31 AM

this is not related to SetupBuilder. The function to display (read) the version resource from a PE file is a native Windows feature. The version resource in a PE file is exactly the same in all Windows operating systems!

See attached screenshots from a Win95 and Win98 machine. It displays the version resource from a SetupBuilder application (in this case the setup for the latest SetupBuilder build).


10-25-2017, 07:13 AM
As I said, I can also view the file details of SetupBuilder application in Windows98. I can view the details of other files as well, which means there is nothing wrong with my OS. Problem is, I can't view the details of the Setup.exe that I've created. And my questions is, is it maybe because of an option I choose in SB? An option indirectly prevents the details to be seen in Win98?

10-25-2017, 08:55 AM

no, it's not an "option" in SB because the version resource is the same for all Windows operating systems. When you check file properties on Windows then the installer itself is not running. Perhaps it is a (very) large setup.exe and so Windows 98 can't read the version resource (similar to a code-signature for large setup.exe files)? What do you see on that specific machine when you check the file properties from the SetupBuilder 10 installer (sb100_5452_dev.exe)? Or when you create a small "dummy" installer with SetupBuilder. Still no version resource "visible" on this machine?


10-25-2017, 09:06 AM
Just for fun, I have compiled a simple setup.exe with version resource items (using the latest SB10).

The version resource displays without any problem on Win98.


10-25-2017, 09:38 AM
Hi, I found the problem. When I remove the line with VERSIONINFO_LANGID, problem solved.

But now the current problem is, how to change the Language line in the file description, and keep all those information visible in Win98...

10-25-2017, 10:17 AM

I am afraid, you need Windows NT4 and later to support this -- Windows 95 and 98 do not support the extended VERSIONINFO_LANGID. With NT4 or Windows 2000 it works as expected.


10-25-2017, 10:42 AM
That's so bad.. So this current situation leads the topic back to the very beginning...

* Is there another way to change the language globally, for older Windows' too?

I really want to change the language, since my program is especially designed for early Windows versions. And it's really not acceptable to allow it to stay as English (USA) in version infos...

But if there is "definitely" no option to do that in any case, then could you please inform me, if it's possible to make VERSIONINFO_LANGID script optional, and bypass it if the operating OS is WinNT4 or older?

10-25-2017, 11:23 AM
I'll have to do some research on this. I'll get back to you...

But it's definitely not possible to "bypass" the "VERSIONINFO_LANGID" thing. Why? Because it's not really a script item. This line is executed at COMPILE time when you generate your setup.exe to manipulate (in your case, you embed a specific language ID) the version resource. The script line is not executed at RUNTIME.

It would be similar to displaying "" as version number in the properties dialog on Windows 98 and, say, "" on Windows 7 and later from the same setup.exe. It's not possible. The binary contents of the executable is static and can't be changed. Windows reads the information from the version resource section and displays it.


10-25-2017, 11:34 AM
I understand, your explanation is quite logical. Thank you for your effort Friedrich, I hope there is something we can do about it. I will wait for your 'hopefully' positive answer.

10-25-2017, 11:45 AM
I'll get back to you within the next 48 hours. I'll have to read some old Windows 95/98 development guidelines...


10-26-2017, 11:06 AM
I am not 100% sure, but I think I found a solution. I have to make some compiler modifications and do more regression tests. I'll report back within the next 24 hours.


10-27-2017, 09:31 AM
Thank you very much!

11-02-2017, 06:11 AM
Still working on it... not a trivial change.


11-02-2017, 09:23 PM
Thanks for letting me know. I'm waiting for good news with patience. Cheers

11-18-2017, 05:38 PM
Hi Friedrich, I just want to ask if there is any progress about the last issue? Cheers

11-19-2017, 05:10 AM
It's still not working as expected because the solution is not "upward" compatible. But we are still working on it... The next build is scheduled for Friday, November 24th, so time is working against us. I'll keep you posted.

BTW, with regard to the original hide uninstall question: see attached screenshot. This solution to install the uninstall .log/.exe in another folder works fine, but might cause problems when updating the Add/Remove Program Panel. Reason is that is recommended to install the uninstall .log/.exe in the main application folder. But you can test it.


11-19-2017, 06:27 AM
I'll send you a small test.exe compiled with the new SB compiler on Monday. What ID are you using in your VERSIONINFO_LANGID line?


11-19-2017, 06:53 PM
Thank you for your effort, and information. No worries, I'm not in hurry about the language issue. All we need is a stable result, and it's understandable that it requires time.

I will check more about the Uninstaller.log file location issue, and write the results soon. But could you please give me more detail about your statement, "might cause problems when updating the Add/Remove Program Panel"?

Please feel free to compile your test.exe with any ID except English (USA). Cheers

11-21-2017, 11:46 AM
The version resource (non-US) should display fine now on Win95 and Win98.


Compiled with the latest internal SB build.


11-25-2017, 08:26 AM
Thank you for your effort, and information. No worries, I'm not in hurry about the language issue. All we need is a stable result, and it's understandable that it requires time.

The new SetupBuilder release is available now.
