View Full Version : REG: Customize final screen before install executes

11-21-2017, 12:48 AM

I was wondering if the following things were possible:
1. Instead of Next>> being the label on button that proceeds the installation on the final screen before installation begins copying files and making changes to have it say "Install Now>>" or any other such customized text
2. Add custom command-line switches like setup.exe /license=33813-408-0977004-84470
3. Create a stand-alone tool for generating either individual or bulk serial numbers and subscription keys

un-related question: what would be the best way for me to test the web-update functionality (e.g. demo projects, comprehensive guide, etc.) I'd like to learn how that works and start using it in my installs but have always been put off by it.

11-21-2017, 04:34 AM

1. Absolutely no problem. Just use "Wizard: Set Control Properties..." to set the text for the button (see attached screenshots).

2. Again, no problem. Just get the command line value and then retrieve the serial number out of it (see attached screenshot). You can use "Handle String Operation..." to process the command line string and read the serial number part.

3. The setupPROTECT SDK can handle this. It lets you generate serial numbers and maintenance keys on-the-fly (using a Windows DLL) from your own application.

Does this help?


11-21-2017, 07:24 PM

Yes! I'll try the install now bit tonight on a demo project I'm working on and then I'll work the the command line stuff over the thanksgiving break here in the U.S.

Can you provide me more information on the SetupPRITECT SDK and how I can implement that into a standard setupbuilder application?