View Full Version : REG: Dialog Tricks

11-22-2017, 01:02 PM

I have a couple of tricks I want to pull off with my next internal project:

1. Utilize the radio buttons dialog to prompt the user if they want to use the trial version or if they have a serial key. if the user selects trial version then only display a user information dialog with name and company (and possibly a greyed out serial number field), if the user indicates they have a serial number display the standard user information dialog and subscription dialog.
2. Create a "Choose Install Location" screen that allows users to choose between Workstation, Server, and Single PC install locations. Based on the selection on this screen, select certain components to be installed by default, of which certain components are required (say single PC requires that main executables and workstation support files are installed and thus cannot be unselected while making help files and examples optional but selected by default as opposed to on a workstation install only workstation support files are required (since the main executables and possibly help files and examples could possibly be running from a network server) and the Server install only has main executables required and selected by default but all other files are optional). based on the install location, the user is then given a second screen this time asking them to choose between a Complete Install (install all components according to your selected install location and any optional components), Application Core Install (install only the components required based on the selected install location), and custom (select from optional components based on the install location).
3. Show or hide certain dialogs or even components based on any factor (trial version ore not, install location, subscription key validity, serial number, answer to a previous yes/no message box, etc.) thus enabling one download that contains the suite, individual components (as based on subscription key or serial), and the trial version.

12-23-2017, 06:20 PM
Does anyone have any ideas on how to do this? I havn't heard anything from this for since I posted it...

01-10-2018, 05:17 AM

all this is possible with SetupBuilder and we are doing it in setup consulting projects on a regular basis. But it can't be described in a few words. We'll try to show how to do this in an HowTo article in the future.
