View Full Version : Comodo Code Sign Cert problem

11-05-2018, 12:27 PM
Hi there,

Ok 3years gone and need new Code-Sign Certificate from Comodo. However, SB
now throws this error:
SIGNTOOL: Filename
SVER: 10.0.17763.1
SHA2: 1
Compiler error GEN1053: Code signing process failed. Error Code: 1

I am sure it's not SB's error - several things I might have done wrong. Here
some remarks what I think is different than before
1. When I applied for the Certificate I did not need to add a password - I
remember I had to before - did I forgot something here?
2. I can export the certificate but it does not ask me for a password,
instead I have to provide a new one
3. I can import the certificate everywhere but NOT on the PC I have SB
installed (always says that password is wrong)

Checking the certificate it says it's valid

Hope somebody have some ideas, need to install software very very soon....

Hanspeter Stutz
Syncrosys GmbH

11-06-2018, 10:51 AM
Hi Hanspeter,

> Ok 3years gone and need new Code-Sign Certificate from Comodo. However, SB
> now throws this error:
> SIGNTOOL: Filename
> SVER: 10.0.17763.1
> SHA2: 1
> Compiler error GEN1053: Code signing process failed. Error Code: 1
> I am sure it's not SB's error - several things I might have done wrong.
> Here some remarks what I think is different than before
> 1. When I applied for the Certificate I did not need to add a password - I
> remember I had to before - did I forgot something here?
> 2. I can export the certificate but it does not ask me for a password,
> instead I have to provide a new one
> 3. I can import the certificate everywhere but NOT on the PC I have SB
> installed (always says that password is wrong)
> Checking the certificate it says it's valid
> Hope somebody have some ideas, need to install software very very soon....

Did you follow these steps?




But if you can't import the certificate on this specific PC (where it
reports that the password is incorrect) then unfortunately, the password
*is* incorrect. The import feature and the signtool utility make use of the
very same components.

It's always one of the following if you have a valid certificate in form of

1. Password incorrect.

2. Timestamp server(s) not available or not accessible.

3. Not all required signtool or OS compatible components installed.

4. Capicom component not installed or unregistered.

Just for fun, remove signtool and try IDE -> Help | Get Microsoft Signtool.
But the import process reports an incorrect password, so this might not help
at all.


11-06-2018, 10:52 AM
Hi Friedrich,

I think I followed the steps - however maybe not right.

I will follow your suggestions and if still not working then going to the
whole process again....

Thank you

11-06-2018, 10:52 AM
Hi Friedrich,

I hate computers :-), removing timestamp server and voilĂ* it works. Oh

Thanks again

11-06-2018, 10:52 AM
Hi Hanspeter,

> "I hate computers" :-)

Trademarked and copyrighted by me <g>

Glad it's working fine! :-)


11-07-2018, 10:26 AM
> I hate computers :-),

I hate computers :-), but i like good software :-)


11-07-2018, 10:27 AM

> I hate computers :-), but i like good software :-)

There are days I simply hate ware. Hard, firm, soft and under!<g>

Lee White

11-07-2018, 10:27 AM
> There are days I simply hate ware. Hard, firm, soft and under!<g>

Full commando is always an option!



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11-07-2018, 10:27 AM
>> There are days I simply hate ware. Hard, firm, soft and under!<g>
> Full commando is always an option!

Hahahahahahahahaha :-)


11-07-2018, 10:27 AM
>> I hate computers :-), but i like good software :-)
> There are days I simply hate ware. Hard, firm, soft and under!<g>



11-08-2018, 08:39 AM
Where's Lee's 'sploding head gif?

Jeff Slarve

Ones and Zeros are my Heroes

11-08-2018, 08:40 AM
> Where's Lee's 'sploding head gif?

Will a jpg do?

Lee White

11-08-2018, 08:40 AM
>> Where's Lee's 'sploding head gif?
> Will a jpg do?

