View Full Version : setup builder not creating icon

02-13-2019, 10:25 AM
I am not getting an icon on the desktop to run the installed program.

This does not happen 100% of the time. It is true if I try running the exe
built by setup builder.
It creates the icon if I use run from the setup builder ide. I have tried
refresh on the desktop and rebooted. Still no luck,

So why not in the installation program.

I have attached a image showing my settings under shortcuts.


02-13-2019, 10:26 AM

unfortunately, there is no viewable attachment.

A shortcut is nothing more than a file (.lnk). Windows is responsible for
displaying it on your desktop. Do you see the .lnk file in your uninstall
..log? You should have an item similar to this:

|005|_0000_|C:\Users\Public\Desktop\SB10 Developer.lnk

Perhaps your UAC-level is not set correctly? Are you using
"requireAdministrator" in General Information -> Generator Settings -> UAC
Execution Level?


02-13-2019, 10:26 AM
I am sorry the image file did not get their.

Anyway I am using asinvoker. Which I thought was your rerecommendation
years ago.

However I have changed and compile with highest available and require
administrator. Both
of these worked. I am not sure which of these to use or why to use one.
What might be a downside.

Thanks for your help

02-13-2019, 10:27 AM
> I am sorry the image file did not get their.
> Anyway I am using asinvoker. Which I thought was your rerecommendation
> years ago.
> However I have changed and compile with highest available and require
> administrator. Both
> of these worked. I am not sure which of these to use or why to use one.
> What might be a downside.

Hi Gary,

Assuming what we would call a "normal" app (AKA one that does NOT need to
write to protected areas such as the Windows folder, "Program Files" or
the HKLM node of the Registry, your program should be manifested "As

However since your installer needs to be able to install there and make
changes to the machine, normally you manifest the installer itself to
"Require Administrator".

This will result in Windows asking the user if they want to allow the
installer to make changes to the machine, but once they say yes you get a
smooth, clean install that will work for any user on the machine.

Do note that if you want to provide a link for the user to run your program
at the end of the install, you should make use of SetupBuilder's ability to
run the application non-elevated.

This will ensure that any "First run" type settings saved by your program
(or other such actions) are stored in the proper context.

If you simply run the program without this feature, then the settings would
be saved as "Gary the Administrator" (since the program is ran by the
elevated installer.

That could cause problems the next time your program runs because in a
modern OS, when your program starts Windows will run it as "Gary the User"
unless it is manifested to Require Administrator.

I know this can sound a bit confusing, so just trust me when I say to do it
this way<g>.

If you ever do write a special program that needs to write to protected
areas (or do other such tasks), then both the installer AND the program
would be manifested to Require Administrator, but not otherwise.

I hope this helps!


Charles Edmonds

cjeByteMeSpammers@lansrad.com (remove the "ByteMeSpammers" to email me)

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02-13-2019, 10:27 AM
Hi Gary,

exactly what Charles said.

The default and recommended UAC level for installations is
"requireAdministrator". 99.9% of all installations need administrator
execution level privileges to write to protected Windows resources
(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE registry, Windows folder tree, Program File(s) folder
tree, per-machine Shortcut locations, etc.).

"asInvoker" manifested applications run non-elevated by default (with no
write access to any protected resource).


02-14-2019, 03:08 PM
BTW, to create "per-user" shortcuts in a "per-user" installation
("asInvoker" manifested), just use the "Set Installer Flag..." script
function with "$SB_ALLUSERSFLAG$" and do not mark the "Set Flag" checkbox.
