View Full Version : VirusTotal Analysis for 2019.2 compiled apps (2019/03/21)

03-21-2019, 05:19 AM

we have submitted test install images compiled with SetupBuilder Developer
Edition 2019.2 to VirusTotal, a subsidiary of Google, for analysis.

1.) As usual, one engine detected the images. The Chinese anti-virus
product "Jiangmin KV" reintroduced their false-positive bug some time ago
(TrojanDropper.Injector.bmui). Unfortunately, they don't respond to emails
or bug removal requests.


2.) Our own Web Update for SetupBuilder 2019.2 is being flagged by Palo Alto
Networks. We have contacted Palo Alto and asked to fix their false-positive

3.) Our own Web Update for SetupBuilder 2019.2 was flagged by Symantec
EndPoint Protection v14.2.770. Submission ID 140153. They already fixed


-- Test Result Details --

File name: sb100_virustotal_6187.exe
https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/55669a139cc97c5167818fef000818b9b8ad6d8fc3231d0c5d 714395279f8455/detection
1 engine detected this file
Jiangmin - TrojanDropper.Injector.bmui

File name: sb100_virustotalex_6187.exe
https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/2f35bb13efe84c3adfab17ae7dcc3e831737fcc8712a937044 66452357abf9f8/detection
1 engine detected this file
Jiangmin - TrojanDropper.Injector.bmui

File name: sb100_6187_dev.exe
https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/c59f6a5b7f4bf95cb13afbd81ed7e42b344e662e2c65d1c397 5ed90c1768ae79/detection
1 engine detected this file
Jiangmin - TrojanDropper.Injector.bmui

File name: wud_sb100_6187_dev.exe
https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/ec0399dca552f3b5c35178d8cfea828692c5c4f2031011fdbb 40be7d5f0dac89/detection
2 engines detected this file
Jiangmin - TrojanDropper.Injector.bmui
Palo Alto Networks - Generic.ml

Friedrich Linder
Lindersoft | SetupBuilder | www.lindersoft.com
Voice: +1.954.537.3701 | Fax: +1.954.537.3702

--SetupBuilder "point. click. ship"
--Helping You Build Better Installations
--Create Windows 10 ready installations in minutes
--Official COMODO Code Signing and SSL Certificate Partner