View Full Version : question about product and upgrade GUID

05-01-2019, 02:04 AM
So, after creating a new folder(s) for all my c11 stuff (the install
gets the files out of these new folders)... should I go ahead and change
both the product guid and the upgrade guid? I obviously don't want my
upgrade to have all of the runtime dll's from the old software so I
assume I make my update install to match with the new upgrade guid?

Also, it seems I'll have to create a new update ftp folder.. and the
customer with the older version.. will have to completely reinstall the
program so they can get updates from the newer ftp folder.. right?

Just want to make sure I'm not missing anything here.


Ray Rippey
VMT Software

05-01-2019, 02:04 AM
Also, I looked at my product guids and they all matched.. but the
upgrade guids didn't match at all... I am assuming as long as the
product guids are all the same (I have a demo install, a normal install,
and an update install)... the update guids don't matter?

Thanks again,

Ray Rippey
VMT Software

05-01-2019, 02:04 AM

if your "new" and your "old" releases should co-exist on the same machine,
then you need a new unique Product GUID in Windows. You'll also need a new
update project for your web updates in this case. Similar to SoftVelocity's
Clarion 9, Clarion 10, Clarion 11.

If it is an update (which replaces the existing installation), say, an
update from 10.0 to 10.1, then don't use a separate Product GUID.


05-01-2019, 02:05 AM
While I am replacing the installation... I'm thinking that I don't want
the new clarion dll's and 3rd party dlls in the update... so the update
would be smaller. I would then have to do an actual install first, to
override all the old dlls, so then the next updates would be small.

I could make an update that had all the new dlls in it... if it were
possible that the next update after that could come from a different ftp
folder.. and be a smaller one without the new dlls. Kind of tricky if
possible. I think I tried this before and I never got it to work.. had
to go with a new install.

What is the upgrade guid used for?

Ray Rippey
VMT Software

05-02-2019, 03:42 AM

>If it is an update (which replaces the existing installation), say, an
>update from 10.0 to 10.1, then don't use a separate Product GUID.

what happens if we do?


Wolfgang Orth

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05-02-2019, 03:42 AM

>>If it is an update (which replaces the existing installation), say, an
>>update from 10.0 to 10.1, then don't use a separate Product GUID.
> what happens if we do?

from the technical point-of-view, you register a NEW application (product)
with Windows. It will create a separate uninstall entry in the Program and
Features panel.


05-02-2019, 03:43 AM
I think the update won't work.. My main installation and my update
install both have the same product guid. I'm going to change it for my
new stuff. I have decided to create a new ftp folder, a new install, and
a new update with new guid's. My customers will have to 'install' the
new program once, then it will use the update install after that. The
reason for this is to make my update install small.. it won't have any
runtime dlls from clarion or 3rd party. If a 3rd party updates and I
have to distribute the new dll... then I'll just add it to both installs.

While making my new ftp folder for updates, I realized the old one was
created in June of 2015. I did the same thing back then, made the
customers get a new install. 4 years of clarion10.. pretty good. I hope
it's the same for 11, because this was a real PITA!

Ray Rippey
VMT Software

05-02-2019, 03:43 AM

> I think the update won't work.. My main installation and my update install
> both have the same product guid

the full (main) install project and the web update project for the same
product always have the *same* Product GUID, that's correct.

The question is: should your "old" and "new" version co-exist on the same
machine? Customer can still run the old version? Or do you replace
(update) an existing version with the new one?


05-02-2019, 03:44 AM
In my case.. there is only one program on the machine. The new one
overwrites the old. However, My thinking is I want a different guid and
install because I don't want people with the old program (and it could
be several versions old), updating to the new (update) one.. because the
new 'update' doesn't have the runtime dlls from Clarion and 3rd party...
so they have to first install the new install over the top.. from then
on out, the updates come from a different ftp folder.

Ray Rippey
VMT Software

On 05/01/19 1:00 PM, Friedrich Linder wrote:
> The question is: should your "old" and "new" version co-exist on the same
> machine? Customer can still run the old version? Or do you replace
> (update) an existing version with the new one?

05-02-2019, 03:45 AM

If you're curious, you can look in the registry and see how the GUID
is used with the add/remove programs Windows feature. (See pic.)

This is also why my screen shot shows two separate uninstall items
for SB8 and SB10 on this machine. (They have different GUIDs).


05-02-2019, 08:21 AM
>If you're curious, you can look in the registry and see how the GUID
>is used with the add/remove programs Windows feature. (See pic.)
>This is also why my screen shot shows two separate uninstall items
>for SB8 and SB10 on this machine. (They have different GUIDs).

What a cute name you have choosen for your program! I had to laugh out lod.



Wolfgang Orth

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Bitte nicht böse sein.
Im Notfall bitte Kontakt per Mail versuchen.

05-02-2019, 08:22 AM
>>>If it is an update (which replaces the existing installation), say, an
>>>update from 10.0 to 10.1, then don't use a separate Product GUID.
>> what happens if we do?
>from the technical point-of-view, you register a NEW application (product)
>with Windows. It will create a separate uninstall entry in the Program and
>Features panel.




Lets say, I have a program version 5.0.

Now I publish this program as version 5.1.

For existing installations, I want to provide an "update-installer", which
lifts the existing installed version 5.0 to version 5.1. This
"update-installer" does not contain any table, which is individual to the user,
like licence, but also that daily work stuff (Bewegungsdaten, whatever this is
translated into english).

They all have to have the same GUID?

I know that it a clumsy and pedestrian way to have a separate
"update-installer" to avoid overwriting existing data, because in SB I can
exclude all those files from being replaced. But in the past it happened that
admins made mistakes on their side, blaming it was my fault. So I separate
these two installers, with the result that the programs from the
"update-installer" are not able to run, if not installed over the existing and
licensed version. (Maybe I have to rethink my strategy).

Work could be so easy without customers....

Wolfgang Orth

Please note:
From time to time it happens, that I overlook a reply to my postings.
Please don't be angry.
In case of an emergency, try to contact me via mail.

Bitte beachten:
Von Zeit zu Zeit passiert es mir, dass ich Antworten auf meine Postings übersehe.
Bitte nicht böse sein.
Im Notfall bitte Kontakt per Mail versuchen.

05-02-2019, 08:23 AM
Hi Wolfgang,

> Hm
> Hmmmmmmmmm
> Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
> Lets say, I have a program version 5.0.
> Now I publish this program as version 5.1.
> For existing installations, I want to provide an "update-installer", which
> lifts the existing installed version 5.0 to version 5.1. This
> "update-installer" does not contain any table, which is individual to the
> user, like licence, but also that daily work stuff (Bewegungsdaten,
> whatever this is translated into english).
> They all have to have the same GUID?

Yes, that is correct! In this case, 5.0 and 5.1 have the *same* Product


05-02-2019, 01:23 PM
It's a big hit at the peppermill convention.

Jeff Slarve

Ones and Zeros are my Heroes

05-02-2019, 01:24 PM

That was a test of dual/SHA-2 code-signing with my 2014 certificate
(before Friedrich made it as transparent as it now is).

I went back to an old machine to find something with a registry entry
so I could make the screen shot.


05-02-2019, 01:25 PM
Hi Wolfgang,

> They all have to have the same GUID?
Yes. It's the same PRODUCT, even if you have different versions. For
example Setup Builder is one product even if it's in many versions.

Best regards,

Arnor Baldvinsson
Icetips Alta LLC

05-02-2019, 01:27 PM
Hi Ray,

> In my case.. there is only one program on the machine. The new one
> overwrites the old. However, My thinking is I want a different guid and
> install because I don't want people with the old program (and it could
> be several versions old), updating to the new (update) one.. because the
> new 'update' doesn't have the runtime dlls from Clarion and 3rd party...
> so they have to first install the new install over the top.. from then
> on out, the updates come from a different ftp folder.

I include everything in the update, not just "updated" files. That way
you can have version 1 and you can still update to version 10 (or
whatever) I.e. my full install and my web install/update are
essentially the same, just one is in a single EXE, the other is on the
web and needs the SB web update thingamajigger to update :) I have used
this with both client software and my own, although with my client
software the update does NOT include a separate Crystal Reports
installer that only the full install includes. Other than that, it's
the same.

Best regards,

Arnor Baldvinsson
Icetips Alta LLC

05-04-2019, 08:09 AM
Yes, I thought about that... but I want my update to be smaller... my
main install is around 60mb, and my update is around 24mb. Not that much
smaller in this day and age I guess. But I do have clients that live way
out in the boondocks and their internet is slow.. so it makes a
difference for them. Plus, if I miss something.. I can go back to the
Clarion10 stuff if I have to. I leave the file structures the same for a
few versions so I can revert. Not that it happens often, but sometimes
I've had an update go haywire... especially when upgrading versions of

What would be really nice, is create a last update for my clarion10
project that would cause my new install exe to install. Or, maybe I'll
make one last update to the software that has a link to the new
install... that sounds easier.

Ray Rippey
VMT Software