View Full Version : Adding Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable Packages (x86)

11-08-2019, 12:17 PM
When I go under core pre-requisites in SB10 and check the 2015 redist, it says I have to go to Help - Redistribution Manager.
So I did that and downloaded the package.

Then went back to the core pre-requisites and it gives me the same error... tells me to go to Help - Redistribution Manager.

Does this mean I cannot just check the box and SB will include that in my installer,
and instead I now have a manual copy somewhere that I have to manually add to my installer and do the settings to make it run???

Core pre-requisites seems to look like one check and it's all done.

What am I missing?

11-08-2019, 01:16 PM
When I went back and tried again... clicking it in core pre-requisites did not throw the error... I clicked Details to check that and then closed it.
Compiles fine now. Not sure why there was an issue before.