07-08-2020, 01:09 PM
as you probably know, our main website is still
insecure. Why is this so?
All previous and current SetupBuilder IDE versions (SetupBuilder 4.x -
SetupBuilder 2019) optionally download content from our HTTP site.
Unfortunately, there is no way to have insecure links of any kind within
your site code or database while using an SSL certificate, your site is
either secured or it isn't. In other words, switching from HTTP to HTTPS
disables the web functionality in the SetupBuilder development environment
(Web Update, Online Community, Redistributable Manager, Get Microsoft
Signtool, etc.).
To provide backward compatibility to older SetupBuilder versions, we still
support HTTP. But we decided that it is time to pull the plug on HTTP soon.
Beginning with the upcoming SetupBuilder 2020, we'll switch all IDE download
activities over to the secure By the end of
Q3 2020, we'll migrate our main site from HTTP to HTTPS.
NOTE: the generated installers will continue to support both HTTP and HTTPS!
Only the download functionality from within the IDE switches to a secure
Friedrich Linder
Lindersoft | SetupBuilder |
Voice: +1.954.537.3701 | Fax: +1.954.537.3702
--SetupBuilder "point. click. ship"
--Helping You Build Better Installations
--Create Windows 10 ready installations in minutes
--Official COMODO Code Signing and SSL Certificate Partner
as you probably know, our main website is still
insecure. Why is this so?
All previous and current SetupBuilder IDE versions (SetupBuilder 4.x -
SetupBuilder 2019) optionally download content from our HTTP site.
Unfortunately, there is no way to have insecure links of any kind within
your site code or database while using an SSL certificate, your site is
either secured or it isn't. In other words, switching from HTTP to HTTPS
disables the web functionality in the SetupBuilder development environment
(Web Update, Online Community, Redistributable Manager, Get Microsoft
Signtool, etc.).
To provide backward compatibility to older SetupBuilder versions, we still
support HTTP. But we decided that it is time to pull the plug on HTTP soon.
Beginning with the upcoming SetupBuilder 2020, we'll switch all IDE download
activities over to the secure By the end of
Q3 2020, we'll migrate our main site from HTTP to HTTPS.
NOTE: the generated installers will continue to support both HTTP and HTTPS!
Only the download functionality from within the IDE switches to a secure
Friedrich Linder
Lindersoft | SetupBuilder |
Voice: +1.954.537.3701 | Fax: +1.954.537.3702
--SetupBuilder "point. click. ship"
--Helping You Build Better Installations
--Create Windows 10 ready installations in minutes
--Official COMODO Code Signing and SSL Certificate Partner