View Full Version : How Do I Conditionally Hide/Show A Dialog?

10-03-2020, 12:03 AM

Hope this finds everyone well, I'm working on a major project and need to conditionally hide/show a dialog, how can I accomplish this?

Here's what I've done so far:
1. Created the checkboxes dialog with one option being "Create Shortcuts to %PRODUCTNAME% in My &Start Menu"
2. In the Wizard Loop I've put an "If %OPTFLAG% Equals 1 on Position" (with a value of 2 thus representing the value of the second option in the variable %optflag%) and a corresponding end
3. I've given the "Select Program Folder" dialog a label of "$STARTGROUP$" after the checkboxes screen and after the if/end from above.

The question is what script function needs to be called in between the "if ... Equals 1 on Position" and the "end" in point 2 (above) to control the visibility of the dialog $STARTGROUP$? Thus if the box is checked (1 on position 2) the dialog shows, if it's not checked (0 on position 2) the user doesn't see it.

10-03-2020, 12:47 AM

After a lot of searching, I found this helpful thread (linked below) and I'm testing it out now to see if it works as I've described it above. I'll report back if it did or did not work as I would have liked.

Linked Thread: http://www.lindersoft.com/forums/showthread.php?44401-Skipping-a-Dialog&highlight=dialog

Update: it looks like that forum post was helpful :-)

06-10-2021, 03:02 AM
Oh, Thank you for this link. It's really helpful for me)