View Full Version : Signing Error

11-26-2020, 03:05 PM
Suddenly getting this error when compiling. No changes have been
made to the script and has been working fine for months.

Don Harvey

11-26-2020, 03:06 PM
Think I see the problem but cannot find where to correct it. I have 3
different setups that are essentially the same except different and
different directories/shortcuts. 2 working fine. I have narrowed it
down - this one with the problem (see attachment) shows SHA1:1 and SHA2:1

Where do I find it to change to 0 on both.

Don Harvey

11-26-2020, 03:06 PM
>Think I see the problem but cannot find where to correct it. I have 3
>different setups that are essentially the same except different and
>different directories/shortcuts. 2 working fine. I have narrowed it
>down - this one with the problem (see attachment) shows SHA1:1 and SHA2:1
>Where do I find it to change to 0 on both.

Its not up to you to "change" that value, Don. ;.)

Its probably the timestampserver, that has to!

If the timestampserver sent a valid timestamp back to you successfully, you get
that 0 as in "no error". maybe that server you choosed is too busy. Just try
and pick another server.


Wolfgang Orth

Please note:
From time to time it happens, that I overlook a reply to my postings.
Please don't be angry.
In case of an emergency, try to contact me via mail.

Bitte beachten:
Von Zeit zu Zeit passiert es mir, dass ich Antworten auf meine Postings übersehe.
Bitte nicht böse sein.
Im Notfall bitte Kontakt per Mail versuchen.

11-26-2020, 03:07 PM
Thanks Wolfgang,

Since I have 3 installs all the same with the only exception being
different subsets of the same data copied one of them with no problem
and just changed the location, icon etc. Works now.

Curious that this happened. Tried other servers, same problem.


11-26-2020, 03:07 PM
Hi Don,

On 11/19/2020 13:32 PM, Don Harvey wrote:
> Think I see the problem but cannot find where to correct it. I have 3
> different setups that are essentially the same except different and
> different directories/shortcuts. 2 working fine. I have narrowed it
> down - this one with the problem (see attachment) shows SHA1:1 and SHA2:1
> Where do I find it to change to 0 on both.

This indicates that it is both SHA1 and SHA2 codesigned. There are two
ways to set this and it looks like this is in the script. Look in the
script editor for "#code-sign application" You can set this across
multiple project by using "Tools | Options | Code Signing" and there
you'll see the SHA1 only, SHA2 only and both SHA1 and SHA2 options. As
far as I know all certificates have been SHA2 only for a few years.

Best regards,

Arnor Baldvinsson
Icetips Alta LLC

11-26-2020, 03:08 PM
Hi Wolfgang,

> If the timestampserver sent a valid timestamp back to you successfully, you get
> that 0 as in "no error". maybe that server you choosed is too busy. Just try
> and pick another server.

As far as I can recall, those SHA1:1 etc. numbers simply indicate which
code signing method is used. SHA1:1 means that SHA1 is used, SHA2:1
means that SHA2 is used also.

Best regards,

Arnor Baldvinsson
Icetips Alta LLC

11-26-2020, 03:08 PM
Hi Don,

On 11/19/2020 13:32 PM, Don Harvey wrote:
> Think I see the problem but cannot find where to correct it. I have 3
> different setups that are essentially the same except different and
> different directories/shortcuts. 2 working fine. I have narrowed it
> down - this one with the problem (see attachment) shows SHA1:1 and SHA2:1
> Where do I find it to change to 0 on both.

Forgot. In the script also look for "#pragma CODE_SIGN_SHA=" If it
shows "12" then it's set to use both. That is probably what is causing
your problem.

Best regards,

Arnor Baldvinsson
Icetips Alta LLC

11-26-2020, 03:09 PM
Hi Arnor,


Going to check this and make the changes. I had no idea on where to
correct this. It just popped up this month when I updated new data.
Thanks again for the help.


11-29-2020, 02:30 PM

some timestamp servers had problems last week.

Especially: http://timestamp.globalsign.com/scripts/timestamp.dll

BTW, if you are using SHA #pragma items in your script, I would suggest to
switch to the "global" code-signing configuration setting:

