View Full Version : windows version condition

03-04-2021, 02:54 AM

There is a need for conditional installation of some openssl libraries
based on windows version, like if it's lower than win10 then install
these dll's otherwise install these dll's

Probably using {WINVER} predefined runtime variable but how to do this
safely? Is there are more values fir win10 besides 65536 value I get on
my win10 ?

Thanks for helping on this

03-04-2021, 02:55 AM
I think the easiest is to add all the files to the installer.

Then in the properties for each file, select which Windows Version on
the client should receive it.


03-04-2021, 02:55 AM
> I think the easiest is to add all the files to the installer.
> Then in the properties for each file, select which Windows Version on
> the client should receive it.

That's how we do it.


Charles Edmonds

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