View Full Version : REG: Possible to Assign Files to “Firl Groups” for huge project?

01-12-2022, 03:17 AM
Hi everyone:

I am working an internal project (33,000+ files, 15+ features, you get the picture) I have chosen to set my media size to about 2 GB for UHC where operating systems, how ever I was wondering if it is possible that based on the component determines which media block the specific file goes into? If not using inbuilt SB features, is it possible for me to zip up my components myself and instruct the installer to extract them? Also, if I were to go the manual route as described here what is the best compression algorithm for doing this and are there free tools to make it work?

01-12-2022, 08:52 AM

I have to check a few things in SetupBuilder 2022 and get back to you. In SetupBuilder 2019 this is no possible.


01-12-2022, 10:14 AM

Thanks for the response :$

02-18-2022, 08:44 PM

I’ve managed to DIY a solution together using Microsoft cab files and a free extraction program. So now on my files are grouped into appropriate cab files, and then at set up time based on the components selected the installer copies the extraction utility and the cab files to the temporary folder, extracts what needs extracting, and then runs it. That is my homegrown solution to this problem. Thank you Microsoft