View Full Version : Attn: Friedrish Linder - WebUpdate

02-01-2022, 01:35 PM
The 2 WebUpdate examples only open a send a link to Windows Explorer to open
a WebPage which allows the end user to download/select destination, which
then requires the end user to open that folder and run the EXE.

How can I get the installer to run the installer immediately?


02-01-2022, 01:36 PM
Hi Sim,

not sure which version you are using. All modern SetupBuilder web updates
work completely behind-the-scenes. No Windows Explorer or WebPage involved.


02-01-2022, 01:36 PM
Hi Friedrich,

I am not sure what you mean by "modern" but I have SB 6.9

SB sends the compiled install EXE and HTM to my cloud by FTP. No issues
there at all.
Problem is not SB compiled EXE as in the callling APP, how to and run the
installer EXE.
Using ShellExecute, results in simply providing for download.

I need some way to actually run the SB compiled installer instead.


02-01-2022, 01:38 PM
I should perhaps have added that the using ShellExecute, my app current
calls 'https://www.webpage.com/pgmupdate.exe'


02-01-2022, 01:38 PM
> I have SB 6.9

I would you update to the latest version 10.0 - a great deal of water
has flowed under the bridge since 6.9

Andre Labuschagne

04-07-2022, 01:55 AM
Hi Sim,

> I am not sure what you mean by "modern" but I have SB 6.9

your SB 6.9 is "SetupBuilder 6.9 -- Build 2415" and is dated November 14,
2008. That is 14 yerars old. This installation system is not compatible
with any "modern" Windows operating system. It does not support HTTPs, no
Windows 7 or later, no Windows Server 2008 or later, etc.

BTW, we'll make SetupBuilder 2022 (that is Version 11) available in Q2 2022.
