View Full Version : Call for SetupBuilder 2022 Beta Testers

04-07-2022, 01:55 AM

a first SetupBuilder 2022 beta-1 version will be available soon (scheduled
for April 2022). SetupBuilder 2022 introduces support for installations and
files >2GB. We have completely rewritten the underlying LSPack compression
library to handle it. This was not a trivial task because we have to
support 64-bit variables in Clarion (this was a major rewrite of important
compiler and linker functionality)!

If you have a need for installation support >2GB it would be great if you
could test this new feature. Please send your serial number to
sales@lindersoft.com. A current (not expired) maintenance and support plan
is required. Both SetupBuilder 2019 and SetupBuilder 2022 can co-exist on
the same machine! SetupBuilder 2022 is fully Windows 11 (x86, x64, Arm64
installation support) and Windows Server 2022 compliant.

BTW, after the ">2GB" beta test we will make another beta-2 available to
test the new modern "installation wizard" support.

More information to follow soon.


Friedrich Linder
Lindersoft | SetupBuilder | www.lindersoft.com
Voice: +1.954.537.3701 | Fax: +1.954.537.3702

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