View Full Version : Adressing the Files

12-13-2022, 01:01 PM
Hello, my installation project has several files to be installed, and they all are located in the same root folder where sbp project file is also located. For example, my sbp is under this directory in my hard-disk:


And the files to be installed are addressed like this in the Script Editor:

Install File(s) "D:\Projects01\files\001.xyz"
Install File(s) "D:\Projects01\files\002.xyz"
Install File(s) "D:\Projects01\files\003.xyz"

My problem is, whenever I need to rename the root folder "Projects01" or just move it somewhere else in my hard-disk, the project requires me to relocate every single *.xyz file in the Script Editor again. Otherwise SetupBuilder compiler cannot find these files (obviously), and gives errors. Instead of using the full address like "D:\Projects01\files\001.xyz" in the ScriptEditor, is it possible to shorten it like "..\files\001.xyz" where ".." means the location of main sbp file (root)?

Thank you in advance for your assistance!

01-25-2023, 06:41 AM
Hello, I would still like to hear some tips or advices about this subject, please.

I often move my entire project folder (along with the files to install) via USB-stick and need to compile the project in different computers in different directories. Is there a way to avoid using full addresses in the Script Editor for the files, and make the project compilable in any directory as long as sbp and project files stay together in the same root folder?

Thank you in advance

01-25-2023, 08:10 AM

Yes, just use [SB_PROJECT] and it should do what you want ;-)

Does this help?


01-26-2023, 06:19 AM
It absolutely did! That's what I literally wanted to do :)

Thank you very much, Friedrich!