View Full Version : Compilation Error on code signing.

David Webber
01-27-2023, 05:26 AM
All of a sudden I'm getting Error 2 on the code-signing step in SetupBuilder 10.

I renewed the code-signing certificate some months ago, and it has been working fine since then, but now, suddenly, it doesn't. I have the path to signtool.exe set, and for the time stamp I'm using


What does 'Error 2' mean?

David Webber

David Webber
01-27-2023, 06:14 AM
All of a sudden I'm getting Error 2 on the code-signing step in SetupBuilder 10. ...

Got it. Thinking further, I realised I hadn't made any changes, so it must be something external, and the time stamp was my immediate suspect.

I've been using the SetupBuilder 10 drop-down option

and (having seen a recommendation to use comcoda in a previous thread) I'd tried the alternative

but without success. However I now find that switching to


Wish I knew what was causing the problem!


01-27-2023, 06:54 AM
It's very well possible that the timestamp server was/is down or the protection server blocked access to it.

SignCode Error 2 is caused by an incorrect password, expired certificate or inaccessible timestamp server.


01-30-2023, 06:25 PM
The signtool would only sign one or two files at most last Friday when I tried to build with http://timestamp.comodoca.com.
I kept doing the build until finally everything got signed.
I will try the timestamp.digicert.com server next time.

01-31-2023, 10:09 AM

happens from time to time and in mostly it is caused by a (buggy) virus-definition update -or- the timestamp server itself (overload). What I always do in this case is to switch to another timestamp server.

Unfortunately, signcode only returns three values: 0 = success and 1 or 2 = failure.

In the next SetupBuilder 2023 build we have added a function to retrieve the human readable error text from system memory and display it in the compiler window.
