View Full Version : 0023.LIB Library error

05-30-2023, 11:06 PM
Trying to install a small app from a vendor and getting this error on over half my domain computers:

Load library error: 0023.LIB
Code: 101000182

I've tried removing our endpoint protection, firewalls, etc, etc. Spent over 4hrs on this :( I can't figure out what's different from the computers that work and the ones that don't. Doesn't make sense. Vendor is no help. I found another thread that said it's SSL related.

Any ideas how I can fix this? Any help is appreciated.


05-31-2023, 07:49 AM

this is the SSL enabled version of the HTTP component. We are developers of the underlying SetupBuilder installer. But this is completely scriptable, so the vendor writes its own logic.

It's very well possible that Error 182 is "ERROR_INVALID_ORDINAL - 182 (0xB6) - The operating system cannot run %1.". Is this installer code-signed?


05-31-2023, 08:25 AM
Yes, interesting you asked that. I noticed that the publisher's certificate is expired. Attached is a screenshot. Could that be it? Just weird half my computers still extract the files to the temp folder, and other half give me the LIB023.lib error.


05-31-2023, 08:40 AM

It seems to be timestamped (yes, this certificate expired). But it "should" still be valid in this case.

What does this installer do (on your machines where it works)? Does it extract files to a temporary folder and then (during the extraction process) it displays this error? Or does it display the error when you start the installer (before it starts an action)?

Could you please use the /E logging switch (e.g. installername.exe /E) and send the generated sbevents.txt file (root of c:\) to support [at] lindersoft [dot] com. But it is very well possible that the vendor disabled this switch, so I am not sure if this will work.


05-31-2023, 09:54 AM
Attached is pic of the sbevents.txt. Does this help?

I see all those files in the Temp folder. Then after I hit OK on the errors, the files go away.

05-31-2023, 10:25 AM
On workstations that work, no errors. Files extract to Temp folder and the setup wizard comes up prompting to install in C:\iQCloud folder.

06-01-2023, 10:12 AM

okay, the installer unpacks the required SSL components (libeay32.dll and ssleeay32.dll) and then a temporary version of 0023.LIB (here ~SB4E3F.tmp). This last process loads the SSL DLL but fails with GetLastError 182.

Could you please check on this machine (where it fails) if there is a libeay32.dll and/or ssley32.dll in your 32-bit System32 (that is SysWOW64) or the Windows folder?
