View Full Version : how to Disable a checkbox

11-10-2023, 01:45 PM

I would like to disable a checkbox based on conditions set in my script. I've got the conditional logic down, but I don't know what the control ID is for the check boxes using the standard check boxes dialog and they are not listed in the Common Definitions.sbi. As such, I am curious as to the control IDs for the check boxes.

If feature x is not selected then
Set Variable %optionsel% to 10
disable control ID Y

any idea how to figure that out?

11-10-2023, 03:02 PM
Hi Everyone:

I found a previous post from Linder (http://www.lindersoft.com/forums/showthread.php?2852-Conditionally-disable-enable-a-checkbox&p=10737#post10737) who mentioned an undocumented feature for doing this.

Note I think that all dialog box control IDs should be documented in common definitions or at least documented in the help files relevant to their dialog box.

Since I found a solution, I figured I'd post an update here to make sure it's accessible to the next person who needs this solution.