View Full Version : SB5 RC3 #1130 will be released on Monday

05-07-2005, 04:53 AM
SB5 "Release Candidate 3" build #1130 will be released on Monday. We have
added a few more fixes, and want to be able to regress test them over
the weekend.


IMPROVEMENT: Add new "Search" script function (including F3 key support to
repeat last search)
IMPROVEMENT: Add "Post compilation" script functions (#copy file, #run,
#delete file, #zip file)
IMPROVEMENT: Move up/down script items optimized for sections
IMPROVEMENT: When adding new items from within the Advanced Designer
(Shortcuts, Run, ODBC, etc.), the property dialog immediately
FIX : IDE shutdown did not terminate an active Debugger session
FIX : Under certain circumstances the Debugger died with an internal
error 01: Make UFO Error
FIX : IDE GPFed when compile initiated from include script
FIX : Possible internal installer variable {} problem
FIX : Possible Loop structure problem
FIX : Possible copy/cut/paste Script Editor problem
CHANGE : IDE Toolbar modifications
CHANGE : Remove Search dialog

Thanks and have a great weekend!


Friedrich Linder
CEO, Lindersoft