View Full Version : What would you like to see in the next SetupBuilder version?

12-20-2007, 02:55 AM

The SetupBuilder community is the human voice behind the technology, and an
important element in our ongoing product success. We encourage direct
customer suggestions about software development directions and we make sure
that our development priorities reflect customer needs.

SetupBuilder is a tool to create script driven, high-performance native
Windows .EXE installation applications. It's interesting to note that about
60% of all new customers are moving from a .MSI based installation to our
state-of-the-art SetupBuilder .EXE system. Of course, SetupBuilder
installations are ready for Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008!

On the other side, one request we hear repeatedly is built-in support for
native MSI. Some larger clients of our customers demand MSI installation
support and obviously our customers want to give clients what they want and
need. So we will address this in the high-end edition of the upcoming
SetupBuilder Seven, even though there will be a change in the Microsoft
Windows Server 2008 Certification Requirements. MSI installation will be

In the high-end edition of SetupBuilder 7, it will be your choice. You can
create an installation using the technology that best fits your
requirements. Compile either a powerful and flexible SetupBuilder
SetupScript or a fully-functional Windows Installer from the same
SetupBuilder 7 Integrated Development Environment (IDE).

Please note that our own proprietary SetupScript technology is, and will
continue to be, our number one priority. Period! There are various
fundamental limitations of MSI and only our own high-performance
state-of-the-art installation technology gives us full control over the
installation process. MSI can only provide 30%-40% of the functionality
that is available in our own SetupScript technology. And SetupScript has
already been used in millions of setup.exe installations with reliable

The high-end edition of SetupBuilder 7 will also provide a new SetupBuilder
7 Mobile Device Deployment (SBMDD) feature to create both a native .MSI or
an .INF file and compile it to a mobile device application installer. It
will support Microsoft Windows Mobile platform for Pocket PC and Smartphone

We also have "SetupBuilder Tips and Tricks, How-To, and Beyond" papers/FAQs
and new examples for the project Examples package in development.

Over the next two weeks, we will be working on the detailed product roadmap
for future SetupBuilder versions and builds. We already have internal
roadmaps for SetupBuilder 7.x and 8.x versions, but we are looking to
prioritize what features SetupBuilder users are craving.

We would like to hear from you! What can we do better? Are there any
features or functionality you'd like to be added? Share your questions,
feedback and comments with us. Here is your chance to have a say in what
makes it into the next releases.

From everyone here at Lindersoft we'd like to wish you all a Merry Christmas
and a Happy New Year.


Friedrich Linder

"point. click. ship" - that's SetupBuilder 6.7
Create Windows Vista ready installations in minutes

-- Official Comodo Code Signing and SSL Certificate Partner

12-20-2007, 03:00 AM
hi friedrich,

it would be awesome if [ProductVer] could be read from the manifest version
info of a selected exe from within the installed files list

pratik patel

12-20-2007, 03:03 AM
Hi Pratik,

You can already do this ;-) Just use "#get file information" and store the
value in [PRODUCTVER]

Does this work?


12-20-2007, 03:04 AM
wow that was quick ;-) will try later today.

pratik patel

12-20-2007, 03:05 AM
Man, he's fast!

Tom Ruby

12-20-2007, 03:05 AM
well, alrighty then...how bout a "SB for Noobies"? <VBG>

pratik patel

12-20-2007, 03:06 AM
<BG> Already in the works ;-)


12-20-2007, 03:06 AM
lol. come on over and i'll teach how to hand toss thin-crust pizzas ;-)

pratik patel

12-20-2007, 03:07 AM
> lol. come on over and i'll teach how to hand toss thin-crust pizzas ;-)

Delicious ;-) That's my favorite food!!


12-20-2007, 03:08 AM
Well, since you're asking. Allow IDEPLOY.CLI to be changed to something



Email sent from MojoPacT - Take your PC in your pocket.

12-20-2007, 03:09 AM

Okay :) No problem, I'll add it to the next maintenance build.


12-20-2007, 03:10 AM
> What can we do better?

You can relax more and enjoy your success. :-) SB is by far the best
software product available because of the continued success and support.
There are companies which can learn a lot from you.

I personally think SB does more than what is needed out there and leap-years
ahead of anything else. I personally don't need/want MSI and SB technology
does exactly what is needed.

I personally wish you'd write some other type of application on the same
level as SetupBuilder. <g>


12-20-2007, 03:11 AM
> You can relax more and enjoy your success. :-) SB is by far the best
> software product available because of the continued success and support.
> There are companies which can learn a lot from you.

Thank you so much :)

> I personally think SB does more than what is needed out there and
> leap-years ahead of anything else. I personally don't need/want MSI and
> SB technology does exactly what is needed.

MSI is honestly the worst piece of crap I have ever seen. But I can ensure
you that the inclusion of MSI will not affect the stability of SetupBuilder.
The compiler is already plugged-in (sbmsic20.dll).

> I personally wish you'd write some other type of application on the same
> level as SetupBuilder. <g>



12-20-2007, 03:12 AM
>> I personally wish you'd write some other type of application on the
same level as SetupBuilder. <g>

How bout you and John (Tracker) get SV to hire you as project manager
and quality assurance. Couldn't hurt <G>


12-20-2007, 03:13 AM

Speaking honestly and bluntly (hey, you all know me by now), but Soft
Velocity could lean a hell of a lot from Friedrich. I wish they would
contract him to write the Report Writer.


12-20-2007, 03:14 AM
Thanks Paul appreciated !

But I have to say I am still somewhat in awe of Friedrich and aspire to his

Best Regards

John Verbeeten

Tracker Software Products

PDF-XChange & SDK, Image-XChange SDK,

PDF-Tools & SDK, TIFF-XChange & SDK.





Download latest Releases


12-20-2007, 03:15 AM
Hi Friedrich

What catches me out is new files that I have added to a source folder (often
new/additional help .htm files and images generated by H&M, or a new plugin)
that I forget to add to a target folder. (My product is continually

Now I know that you can have multiple source folders contributing to a
target folder, so this might be considered tricky, but if I could nominate a
primary source folder for a target folder (or better still 1) you
auto-determine this by the highest % of files from a source folder
contributing to a target folder ... :), or 2) - you analyse all
contribujting folders ... ), and SB color-codes any files that it finds in
the source folder that I haven't added to the target folder, it would help
me to ensure that I don't create an incomplete compile. It's irritating to
discover (sometimes via customers) that one or more of the new help file
pages and/or images never made it into the install. (I use browser help, not
a single CHM)

To take it one step further, if any source folders that have valid files in
them (i.e. exclude any .bak files) that are not in the target folder, then
change the folder icon in SB's explorer (maybe just the color) - so that it
is a reminder to check / open each highlighted folder to see if any of the
highlighted files need to be added to the target folder. Not hugely
complex, but it would save me from omitting files from update installs, and
then of course the inevitable repeat upload / update posts / apologies in my
forum. Might be an idea to record file timestamps, so if I choose to ignore
a 'missing file' warning, not to have it highlighted the next time, as I
would then probably started ignoring the color coding as it would be giving
'false positives;. (A long winded request for a synchronize display ...
:) )

This would really help me cut down on finger trouble when I create new
installs - which is pretty often as I develop / enhance continually, and
then I am linked to WordPress, which releases 3 - 6 update patches a year,
so the treadmill turns pretty fast at times ...:). With the number of files
going into each install, the chances of omitting a minor file are actually
quite high.


Jeff Walters

12-20-2007, 03:16 AM
Hi Jeff,

Thank you. I'll give it some thoughts.

Just a quick idea. SetupBuilder supports wildcards (include and exclude).
So in your specific case, if you would define *.htm and *.jpg, etc. then the
compiler would automatically include all (new) files ;-)

Are you already using the wildcard feature?


12-20-2007, 03:16 AM
Lots of sample scripts for Clarion Developers to deploy their applications,
code sign, manifest inclusion, Armadillo, etc. (Stuff we can "tweak and
go") :-)

Bill Roe

12-20-2007, 03:17 AM

> Lots of sample scripts for Clarion Developers to deploy their
> applications, code sign, manifest inclusion, Armadillo, etc. (Stuff we
> can "tweak and go") :-)

I cannot agree more ;-)


Friedrich Linder

"point. click. ship" - that's SetupBuilder 6.7
Create Windows Vista ready installations in minutes

-- Official Comodo Code Signing and SSL Certificate Partner

12-20-2007, 03:17 AM

Thanks for opening the door to suggestions. A couple of things that I would
find useful (which may have been implemented in the last few months since
when I last checked):

1. The ability to create the install exe in a variable path (set from
compile-time variable) - like creating the actual install exe using a var.
2. The ability to keep the sub-scripts with the main install script file
(instead of in the SetupBuilder sub-folder). I could never figure out a way
of doing this.

Geoff (Capesoft)

CapeSoft - where the computer obeys you!!


12-20-2007, 03:18 AM
Hi Geoff,

> Thanks for opening the door to suggestions. A couple of things that I
> would find useful (which may have been implemented in the last few months
> since when I last checked):
> 1. The ability to create the install exe in a variable path (set from
> compile-time variable) - like creating the actual install exe using a var.

This is already possible ;-) You can set the [OUTPUTDIR] (or [EXENAME],
etc.) compiler variables from the command line, from a "Release" or even
from the script via "#set compiler variable".

> 2. The ability to keep the sub-scripts with the main install script file
> (instead of in the SetupBuilder sub-folder). I could never figure out a
> way of doing this.

You can store include scripts (.sbi) wherever you want. Even in the folder
where your main install script (.sb6) is located in. Problem is that you
have to specify the fully qualified pathname to the include script which
makes the project less portable. But still better than storing it under the
"Core" include script folder (\Program Files\SetupBuilder 6\Include) or the
"My Include Script" include script folder (My Documents\SetupBuilder 6

But I think what you are asking for is that (by default) the compiler should
look for the include script in the same folder where the main project itself
resides, right? This would make the whole project highly portable and
machine independent.

Thank you for your suggestions.


Friedrich Linder

"point. click. ship" - that's SetupBuilder 6.7
Create Windows Vista ready installations in minutes

-- Official Comodo Code Signing and SSL Certificate Partner

12-20-2007, 03:22 AM
> Bill,
>> Lots of sample scripts for Clarion Developers to deploy their
>> applications, code sign, manifest inclusion, Armadillo, etc. (Stuff we
>> can "tweak and go") :-)
> I cannot agree more ;-)

AND add to that a downloadable PDF file describing the process for
obtaining a Comodo Code Signing Certificate - some sail through the
process, others seems to face a mine field,

however, I have seen enough newsgroup messages to convince me, a "what to
expect, preparation beforehand, step by step through the process" would be
a welcome addition to the body of knowledge concerning obtaining digital
certificates and then their use with SetupBuilder!


From David Troxell - Product Scope 7 - Encourager Software
Clarion Third Party Profile Exchange Online

12-20-2007, 03:23 AM
Hi David,

>> I cannot agree more ;-)
> AND add to that a downloadable PDF file describing the process for
> obtaining a Comodo Code Signing Certificate - some sail through the
> process, others seems to face a mine field,
> however, I have seen enough newsgroup messages to convince me, a "what to
> expect, preparation beforehand, step by step through the process" would be
> a welcome addition to the body of knowledge concerning obtaining digital
> certificates and then their use with SetupBuilder!

Yes, you are right. We'll add this.

Thank you for your suggestion.


Friedrich Linder

"point. click. ship" - that's SetupBuilder 6.7
Create Windows Vista ready installations in minutes

-- Official Comodo Code Signing and SSL Certificate Partner

12-21-2007, 03:03 AM

>> Are you already using the wildcard feature?

Obviously not :)

I use the visual file explorer to pick / populate my target folders. I guess
you're saying that I am going to have to dabble further with scripting? Can
the two work together - in that I set wildcard settings for some folders,
and I can be select with other folders?


12-21-2007, 03:08 AM
Hi Jeff,

>>> Are you already using the wildcard feature?
> Obviously not :)
> I use the visual file explorer to pick / populate my target folders. I
> guess you're saying that I am going to have to dabble further with
> scripting? Can the two work together - in that I set wildcard settings
> for some folders, and I can be select with other folders?

No, you can do this directly from the Visualizer! SetupBuilder supports
include and exclude wildcards. And even recursive folder inclusion is

See attached screenshot. In this case, all *.htm and *.jpg located in
c:\jeff are added to the test subfolder at compile time.

You can even set different wildcards in the same folder (and of course in
different folders).

What do you think?


12-21-2007, 03:09 AM
Or even something like this (see screenshot).

The compiler does all the dirty work for you ;-)


12-21-2007, 03:09 AM
Hi Friedrich

>> What do you think?

Fantastic! This has been the one issue that I had had with SetupBuilder
with my current primary product, and now you've solved it for me.

Thanks so much for the prompt solution. And of course a great product :)


12-21-2007, 03:10 AM
Hi Jeff,

> Fantastic! This has been the one issue that I had had with SetupBuilder
> with my current primary product, and now you've solved it for me.
> Thanks so much for the prompt solution. And of course a great product :)

Thank YOU :)


12-21-2007, 03:11 AM
>>> Are you already using the wildcard feature?
> Obviously not :)
> I use the visual file explorer to pick / populate my target folders. I
> guess you're saying that I am going to have to dabble further with
> scripting? Can the two work together - in that I set wildcard settings
> for some folders, and I can be select with other folders?

And of course, there is absolutely no need to use scripting to use this very
powerful feature ;-) What you add in the "Files and Folders" Visualizer is
also directly available in the Script Editor (and vice-versa).


12-21-2007, 03:12 AM
The visualizer is a great tool to easily add features, however, I think
some overlook the power of what's under the hood by not at least "studying"
the script editor for a particular install - to see the "overall plan" for
a particular install.


From David Troxell - Product Scope 7 - Encourager Software
Clarion Third Party Profile Exchange Online

12-21-2007, 03:13 AM

>> 1. The ability to create the install exe in a variable path (set from
>> compile-time variable) - like creating the actual install exe using a
>> var.
Cool - I'll give it a whirl.

>> 2. The ability to keep the sub-scripts with the main install script file
>> (instead of in the SetupBuilder sub-folder). I could never figure out a
>> way of doing this.
I think in the early days I had problems because I couldn't use a fully
qualified name because of moving the script around between home and work
(each with different dir structures) - so because there was no relative path
available - I had to use the default folder. Even specifying '.\' would be

> But I think what you are asking for is that (by default) the compiler
> should
> look for the include script in the same folder where the main project
> itself
> resides, right? This would make the whole project highly portable and
> machine independent.
That would be a big plus. IIRC this also pertains to included script
functionality DLLs.

Geoff (Capesoft)

CapeSoft - where the computer obeys you!!


12-23-2007, 01:18 PM
Hi Friedrich

I happily deleted all the explicit file definitions, and added in the
wildcard options - on the File side of the Explorer window - carefully
making sure that all appropriate recurse folder options were selected. I
carelessly didn't make a backup, and so when I generated the updated setup,
and saw that the compiled setup was 20% smaller, I knew there was something
wrong. The recursion didn't work, and there were a couple of scrambled
folders. I deleted all the wildcard settings for the various folders, and
then fortunately noticed that I could also set the wildcard options on the
folder (LH side) of Explorer. This time the recursion worked just fine.

Not sure if I was supposed to be able to set the wildcards on the RH side -
and if not, maybe you need to disable the ability to do that.


12-23-2007, 01:19 PM
Hi Jeff,

We are using recursion and wildcards (include and exclude) in all projects
(including all Consulting projects). And it never failed.

The LH side and the RH side of Explorer generate the same "Install File"
script function ;-) If you go to the Script Editor you'll see that one item
added in the "Files and Folders" Visualizer results in an "Install File"
line. Whatever made it fail in the first place, it was not caused by using
the RH or LH side of Explorer! If you still have the old project (that
generated the 20% smaller setup.exe), just send it and the new one (that
works) and I can tell you where the problem was.


12-23-2007, 01:19 PM
Hi Jeff,

Just re-read my own message. Of course, it was not my intention to say that
it was your fault ;-) Just wanted to say that there is absolutely no
difference between using wildcards in the LH or the RH side of Explorer.
It's the same "Install File" function. If you have anything available that
can reproduce this problem it would be great if you could send it.


12-23-2007, 01:20 PM

OK - not sure why I had a problem. It definitely didn't recurse on a couple
of the folders, and I thought I had tagged everything correctly the first
time. It's now fixed, so I can't send you anything. I will try to screw it
up again the next time I have to create a compile - but don't hold your
breath - as it was more likely me than your app.


12-23-2007, 01:21 PM
Hi David

You're right - and that is what I did for years. Earlier this year I finally
peeked under the hood, and was impressed how easy it was to add in
additional functionality. Very smart coding.


12-23-2007, 01:22 PM
1. I have a setup with 14 Features. I would like a Contract All button in
the Files and Folder option so it could be a little easier to locate a
feature in the bottom

2. I need to get data from a lot of different folders. I would like Back and
Forward buttons in the directory explores, as well as ability to use
navigationkeys correct (when using DownKey, submenus are automatically


12-23-2007, 01:22 PM

Thank you for your suggestions. Items are on the list now.


Friedrich Linder

"point. click. ship" - that's SetupBuilder 6.7
Create Windows Vista ready installations in minutes

-- Official Comodo Code Signing and SSL Certificate Partner

12-23-2007, 01:23 PM

It didn't take long before I'm using the scripts only now. I started using
the wizard for starters... and that is great to use to see what it generates
in the scripts.

Anyway, I end up putting comments in before certain script codes and
compiler variables. I have the same setupbuilder that does my CD demo, my
real program (for CD), and my Internet Demo... I love it. However, If the
comment lines could be colored (and even reversed) It sure would make it to
where I could make the script editor alot more readable.... so If we could
have a color picker for the comment lines (like on the comment editing form
itself)... that would really make it easy to find stuff in my scripts. I
know I can change the default color for the comment lines.. but not each
individual comment. It would also be nice to have default Fonts for the
different script items, the same way you currently set colors for them.

It probably sounds small in the grand scheme of things... but comments are
very important when you don't look at something for months at a time.


12-23-2007, 01:25 PM
Next setupbuilder:
When i am adding a signature, it would be nice, if SB could remember where i
am having my diufferent files, i.e. mine is in L:\comodo.
As I have Virus (Sorry Vista!) on my PC, it takes time to navigate 3 times
to the folder.
A possibility of keeping the pkey.exe intact. I am one of the .003%, which
have to use the old PKEY.EXE. BTW, as I am bying new PC's, its Awesome to
see how many new customers you must have keeping in mind, that the .003% is
a constant....

Merry Christmas

Edvard Korsbæk

12-23-2007, 01:25 PM
Hi Edvard,

Tools | Options | File Locations -> "Credentials" and "Private Key File"
fields ;-)

It's not possible to keep your "old" PKEY.EXE when you are doing a web
update. The version on the web update server is the latest one and so
always updates your outdated version.

But if the new PKEY.EXE does not work for you, just move from SignCode.exe
to Signtool.exe. Unfortunately, Microsoft does not allow to redistribute
this file, so please check the following link:


And this one (see "Obtaining the Microsoft Code Signing Files")


Then you don't need PKEY.EXE and longer.

Does this help?

A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you!


Friedrich Linder

"point. click. ship" - that's SetupBuilder 6.7
Create Windows Vista ready installations in minutes

-- Official Comodo Code Signing and SSL Certificate Partner

12-23-2007, 01:26 PM
By the way, Tools | Options | File Locations cannot "remember" the .PFX
file. We'll add this.


Friedrich Linder

"point. click. ship" - that's SetupBuilder 6.7
Create Windows Vista ready installations in minutes

-- Official Comodo Code Signing and SSL Certificate Partner

12-27-2007, 05:14 AM
Hi Friedrich,

A little Christmas present. It might help a few.

Best Regards,
Geoff Spillane
Data Down Under

12-27-2007, 05:14 AM
VERY NICE, Geoff !!!

My one suggestion... based on this document's recommendation I think it
best to set the key length to 2048 bits rather than the default 1024 shown
in your video.


12-27-2007, 05:15 AM
Hi Jane,

Thanks very much. I've modified it as the document suggests.

Best Regards,
Geoff Spillane
Data Down Under

12-27-2007, 05:16 AM

First rate (as your previous Setupbuilder video was as well), excellent
video demo, covered the major points well! Thanks for taking the time.

And along with Jane's suggestion -

> My one suggestion... based on this document's recommendation I think it
> best to set the key length to 2048 bits rather than the default 1024 shown
> in your video.

the other suggestion I would have is to have signed up for three years
instead of one at that GREAT rate! :-D


From David Troxell - Product Scope 7 - Encourager Software
Clarion Third Party Profile Exchange Online

12-27-2007, 05:17 AM
Hi David,

Thanks for your comments. Of course you're right about the great
price. :)

Best Regards,
Geoff Spillane
Data Down Under

12-27-2007, 05:18 AM
Hi Geoff,

THANK YOU SO MUCH!! This is great :)


12-27-2007, 05:19 AM

OK, when Geoff makes his followup video for the latest SetupBuilder (his
previous SB demo was excellent), it's time to give the man a raise!


From David Troxell - Product Scope 7 - Encourager Software
Clarion Third Party Profile Exchange Online

12-27-2007, 05:20 AM
Friedrich Linder's intelligence

Dan Scott
C55-C6.3 9053 Clarion Templates (NOT ABC)

Credit card Processing in your software

12-29-2007, 02:43 AM
Hi Friedrich,

I'm trying to suck up to you so you'll come out for the Aussie DevCon
at the end of April so here's another one. This one is on Code-Signing
your Application:

Also for those who didn't realise there that there were some subtle
audible warnings when you try to run an application that hasn't been
code-signed. Make sure your speakers are turned on and up loud:

Best Regards,

12-29-2007, 11:02 AM

You have way too much free time on your hands! <vbg>

Russell B. Eggen
Skype Clarion chat: http://tinyurl.com/2273lm

12-29-2007, 11:04 AM
> Hi Friedrich,
> Also for those who didn't realise there that there were some subtle
> audible warnings when you try to run an application that hasn't been
> code-signed. Make sure your speakers are turned on and up loud:
> http://www.datadownunder.com.au/lindersoft/NoCodeSignWarning.html

For those whose sales have dropped off with unsigned installs,

Geoff provides the answer! :-D


From David Troxell - Product Scope 7 - Encourager Software
Clarion Third Party Profile Exchange Online

12-29-2007, 11:05 AM
Hi Geoff,

COOL :) I like it very much!

Thank you.


12-30-2007, 02:44 AM
Hi Russ,

No, it's all true. Maybe you can't hear it in all versions. I'm
running Vista Ultimatum Edition. <vbg>.

Best Regards,

12-31-2007, 02:50 AM
Ultimatum, Gracie? <g>

Russell B. Eggen
Skype Clarion chat: http://tinyurl.com/2273lm

01-01-2008, 11:18 AM

Thank you for your suggestions. I'll see what we can do...
