View Full Version : Creating InstallDir

06-08-2005, 03:22 AM
Hi Friedrich,

Setupbuilder continues to improve in ways I never imagined!<g>

However a small problemo I hit today, this is using the latest update from
the web 5.0.1154
is when the installer runs it fails to create to install the software when
previously it would.

Now I dont know if this is something to do with my system or not but the
[installdir] is
%PROGRAMFILESDIR%\Intelligent Silicon\IMS
and the error message is
The target directory is not writable or accessible. The installation cannot

Now it does create the folder, and it places the uninstall.log file in the
folder in question.

Is this a problem with my system or setupbuilder?<g>



06-08-2005, 03:22 AM
Hi Richard,

> Setupbuilder continues to improve in ways I never imagined!<g>


> However a small problemo I hit today, this is using the latest update from
> the web 5.0.1154 is when the installer runs it fails to create to install
> the software when previously it would.
> Now I dont know if this is something to do with my system or not but the
> [installdir] is
> %PROGRAMFILESDIR%\Intelligent Silicon\IMS
> and the error message is
> The target directory is not writable or accessible. The installation
> cannot continue.
> Now it does create the folder, and it places the uninstall.log file in the
> folder in question.
> Is this a problem with my system or setupbuilder?<g>

I checked our bug database but cannot find any similar bug report. So it's
a problem with your system <vbg>

A Windows API to check whether a path is writable returns FALSE. What
if you change the installation folder to, say, c:\testdir?

Would it be possible for you to send me the script (or a demo script)?


Friedrich Linder
CEO, Lindersoft

"point. click. ship" - that's SetupBuilder 5