View Full Version : Network Installs and Updates

01-13-2008, 02:05 PM
This is just a clarification on my part to make sure I understand.....

Workstation A installs to a network location and Workstations B,C,D,etc runs
my software.

If we post a new Webupdate version, and Workstation A does a check, it
would detect the new version.
If Workstation B does a check, it would not detect a new version because it
has no Registry entries to compare to.
Additionally, if Workstation B runs a new install, it would not detect the
prior installation location.

Is this correct? <g>


01-13-2008, 02:05 PM
Hi Paul,

Hmm, I think in this scenario Workstations B, C, D, etc. cannot execute the
web update process at all because the Web Update client (wupdate.exe) is
unable to locate an associated application to update. All registry items
are on Workstation A, so only Workstation A can live-update.

If you install from Workstation A to a network location, what is (after that
installation process) on Workstations B, C, D, etc.? Is there something on
these machines that should be updated? I think there is only a Shortcut
that points to the network drive, right?


01-13-2008, 02:06 PM
Yep - okay.

I had a client do just this. They installed the update directly off our
website but didn't install it in the same network folder (because it
defaulted locally)...

Any suggestions on how to avoid this?


01-15-2008, 03:38 AM

> Yep - okay.
> I had a client do just this. They installed the update directly off our
> website but didn't install it in the same network folder (because it
> defaulted locally)...
> Any suggestions on how to avoid this?

What you could do is to check if a specific file does already exist. If
this is not the case, the update cannot be applied because the installation
folder seems to be incorrect. Is there a file that would be a good
candidate for such a check?


Friedrich Linder

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