View Full Version : What's wrong with PKEY.EXE?

01-31-2008, 02:43 AM
I always forget to ask about this... Since long time now (I'd say a year at
least) with each SB upgrade a new PKEY.EXE is installed, which doesn't work
fo me. I have a certified key with Comodo, and use the key to sign my setup
installers and if any my exes inside the installer. With the PKEY.EXE from
17/12/2006 this works perfectly. However, with any later version it fails
(the pkey.exe program does not take focus or if it does, it does not take the
password, and the script compilation fail.) At first I thought it was a Vista
thing, but I was working again in XP for several months and have exactly the
same problem, so it is not a Vista issue.
Overwriting with the old pkey.exe after upgrading, solves the problem... but
then, why the difference? What's better in the new "pkey.exe" and why it
doesn't work for me?
Can't be the SetupBuilder updater somehow adjusted to leave the pkey.exe file
alone, so I don't have to manually overwrite it again each time?

Jorge Alejandro Lavera

01-31-2008, 02:44 AM

I had the same problem and after a year of overwritting I took the path to
signtool.exe from Microsoft
SB is not allowed to distribute it ....

When you download it from M$ then simply follow the docs and change AND in
prj AND in script from old type to new one and all will be fine

Merci - Thank you


Data Management Center
A tool to help you Transfer - Import - Export your data so easily ....


01-31-2008, 02:45 AM

See this (old) message. There are more PKEY.EXE related threads, but it
should help.


The PKEY.EXE distributed with the latest versions works for most (98%-99%)
SetupBuilder developers. The old PKEY.EXE did not work as expected for
about 20%-25% of the SetupBuilder users.

PKEY.EXE is in code freeze state and we'll not see any new version in future
SetupBuilder versions.
