View Full Version : License dialog

02-04-2008, 08:20 AM

I'm planning to migrate from Wise Installation System to a new package, so I've been testing Setup Builder 6.7 for a couple of days. So far so good, but I have a couple of questions:

1. In your help file, you promise a visual dialog editor. How soon can we expect that? Once available, will I be able to use it to create a custom dialog that would, for example, contain *both* a combobox and several checkboxes? Currently I can have only either checkboxes or a combobox, but not both on the same page.

2. Is there a way to launch an application, wait until it exits, and get the exit code?

3. I'm trying to create a script where I have two different EULAs. Depending on a condition, I want to display one of them. I've added two EULAs as txt and rtf files as "Support files". In the script, I have something like this:

If Condition A then Set Variable %EULA% to "local://%TMPDIR%\Eula1.rtf" else Set Variable %EULA% to "local://%TMPDIR%\Eula2.rtf".

In the license agreement dialog properties, I set License Agreement Text to %EULA%. On the Advanced tab, I have "Enable RTF Support" and "Read license agreement from absolute path" checked. I run the script and the EULA text box is empty. I removed "local://", it didn't help. Then I tried simple txt files and unchecked the RTF-related boxes – didn't help either, I get "local://%TMPDIR%\Eula1.txt" in the text box when I run the script. What am I doing wrong?



02-04-2008, 08:59 AM

Thank you for your message.

1. The Visual Dialog Editor will be part of the upcoming SetupBuilder 7.

Yes, you'll be able to create a custom dialog that would contain both a combobox and several checkboxes!

2. No problem. Use the "Wait for Program" option. The variable %_SB_ERRORCODE% will hold the exit code.

For example:

Run Program c:\test\return.exe (Always Install) [Wait]
Display Message Box "%_SB_ERRORCODE%\n" -- ""

3. I see what you are trying to do and it's a good idea. The problem is that the "local://" macro is only available at compile-time, not run-time. That means, if you use

Set Variable %EULA% to "local://%TMPDIR%\Eula2.rtf"

then the variable really holds the value "local://%TMPDIR%\Eula2.rtf".

You have several different options here. The following should work because you are nearly there and you only have to do two modifications.

1. Set back the License Agreement Text to #DLG_LICENSE_AGREEMENT#

2. Text and Messages Visualizer -> Dialog Text -> License Agreement -> Set DLG_LICENSE_AGREEMENT to local://%EULA% (see attached screenshot).

3. Now you can use Set Variable %EULA% to "%TMPDIR%\EULA.RTF" yada depending on conditions.

What do you think?


02-04-2008, 12:22 PM

Thanks a lot, that worked. A few more questions:

1. When is SetupBuilder 7 expected?

2. On the development computer, I have SomeDll1.DLL and SomeDLL2.dll. Depending on a certain condition, I want to install either the first or the second file, but the destination file name must be SomeDLL.dll. I can't find a simple way of accomplishing this, aside from renaming the file once it has been installed. The "File linking" tab of the "File properties" dialog modifies the destination file name as soon as I modify the source file name.



02-04-2008, 01:36 PM

1. We don't have an exact release date yet. Our goal is to release the SB7 beta in Q1 2008. By default, SetupBuilder comes with a one year maintenance subscription ($399 for Developer Edition including a 1-year subscription) so the update to SB7 will be free of charge.

2. If you have to include SomeDll1.DLL and SomeDLL2.dll and the output always has to be SomeDLL.dll then renaming it is the only way of accomplishing this.

Please note that SetupBuilder can include the same filename multiple times. So adding, say, SomeDLL.dll (for XP) and SomeDLL.dll (for Vista), etc. is not a problem at all.

Does this help?


02-04-2008, 03:06 PM
Yes, thanks for your help. I'm looking forward to the beta. I have some fancy dialogs that I'd hate to split into several pages, so SB7 should do the job. Other than that, I'm 99% happy with what I see in the current version. Two minor bugs:

1. Most of the controls in SB always use the Western charset, regardless of the system locale. As a result, if the system locale is, say, Greek or Russian *and* the info you display in the control contains high ASCII characters, such strings are displayed as gibberish. Example: the "Type" column in the "Support files" or paths to files in the Script editor. While you can change the charset in the program options for the script editor, you can't change it for any other GUI elements.

2. Some of the 28 languages just don't contain the corresponding translation. For example, French and German strings are translated, while Hebrew and Slovak are not.

Speaking of the translation, the help file mentions the language import/export functionality, but I can't find a way to export the text resources so that I could send them to a translator as a single file.


02-05-2008, 01:26 AM

To 1.)

I'll forward it to the development team. The translators (native speakers) did not report any problem, but we'll check it.

To 2.)


In Version 6.7, there is built-in support for 17 languages: Afrikaans, Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese ,Romanian, Slovene, and Spanish.

Italian will be available later this month.

If a translation is not available, it displays the text in English.