View Full Version : APPTITLE Is Not Being Evaluated

CMS Software
02-04-2008, 10:32 PM
I have enabled Web Update in my latest SB script. The default sub-heading is "Check for Updates to %APPTITLE%" and I have not changed it. APPTITLE has a value. However, the web update dialogue does not make the substitution. The web update dialogue shows the original text, "Check for Updates to %APPTITLE%".

How do I get APPTITLE to show its VALUE rather than its Name? The original value was [PRODUCTNAME]. When that did not work, I put actual text into the value field of APPTITLE. No change in the result.

What now?

-O. D. Williams-

02-05-2008, 01:18 AM

Is this in your custom wupdate.sb6 or in the standard one?

It works fine here (see attached screenshot) and we have not received a similar report. So it seems to be script specific. If you are interested, send your script to support at lindersoft dot com and we'll fix it for you.


CMS Software
02-05-2008, 02:39 PM

I found a very easy way to fix it. There may be a typographical error in the default text definitions file. I simply changed the default text of:

"Would you like to check the Internet to see if a newer version of %APPTITLE% is available?"

so that it reads:

"Would you like to check the Internet to see if a newer version of [APPTITLE] is available?"

Changing the "%" characters to the appropriate "[" and "]" characters fixed the problem.

This has to be done in two places, 1033_DLG_WEBUPDATE_SUBHEADING and also 1033_DLG_WEBUPDATE_TEXT.

Problem solved!!!

I am running version 6.7.2130.0 updated 2/4/2008.

-O. D. Williams-

02-06-2008, 12:54 AM

No, this is not a typographical error in the default text definitions file. It should look like this in 6.7.2130 (see attached screenshot). Nothing changed in the text definitions for more than a year now. Of course, I am glad to hear that it is working for you now, but it was not the cause of this!

What you did is you simply replaced an installer runtime-variable %APPTITLE% with a compiler variable [APPTITLE].

It would be great if you could send us the original script(s) to see what the real cause of this problem is.


CMS Software
02-06-2008, 11:40 AM
I can send you the script file but I also have a question. I notice that in the "Project Definition", "General Information", "Product Properties" section that there is a field to define "Application Title [APPTITLE]". Nowhere in the Project Definition screen do I find a place to define the %APPTITLE% variable. My script does not define it either.

Does %APPTITLE% get defined "in the background" or is there a place where I give it a value? Could the reason it was showing up in the dialogs as "%APPTITLE%" instead of the Value of %APPTITLE% be because I never gave it a value?

Am I supposed to define %APPTITLE% in my script or does it pick up a value from some other place during the compile step?

-O. D. Williams-

02-06-2008, 02:46 PM

Perhaps there is some confusion here. The Web Update text resources are only used in the web update client (wupdate.exe). The source project is named wupdate.sb6.

See line 41 in the standard wupdate.sb6:

Set Variable %APPTITLE% to FUNCTION:Get Registry("LOCAL_APP") from "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Lindersoft\WebUpdate\A pps\%APPKEY%"

This line defines %APPTITLE%.

If you do no have that line, you removed it from your custom web update client. Or did you develop a complete new web update client (based on your own logic)?


CMS Software
02-08-2008, 02:30 PM
I have done some additional research on the %APPTITLE% problem and have found the following.

The "check for update" screen shows %APPTITLE% when the install is run from within the SB IDE using either the "Test" or "Run" button. Could this be because %APPTITLE% is a runtime variable and the install is being run from within the compiler?

Exiting SB and running the SB produced Install.exe file installs my app and also the WupDate.exe file. Running the WupDate.exe file thus installed works just fine. Instead of %APPTITLE%, I see the Value of %APPTITLE% as expected.

Interestingly, when I move the WupDate.exe file and its INI file to another folder on my hard drive where my app is also running (test folder), WupDate.exe generates an error message as follows:

"The Web Update client could not locate an associated application to update. Please make sure that this software is installed properly."

I do not understand why I get the latter error just because I moved WupDate.exe to another folder where the my app also exists.

In order to send you the sb6 file so that you can look it over, do I need to also send you my program files that are to be installed by the SB built install routine?

-O. D. Williams-

02-09-2008, 04:34 AM

See above message. If you have developed your own WupDate.exe and you do not define %APPTITLE% then it cannot be resolved!!!!

The original wupdate.sb6 does the following:

Set Variable %APPTITLE% to FUNCTION:Get Registry("LOCAL_APP") from "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Lindersoft\WebUpdate\ Apps\%APPKEY%"

If you do not have an equivalent to this then it always displays %APPTITLE%!

Does this help?


CMS Software
02-09-2008, 12:54 PM
I have not *knowingly* changed wupdate.sb6 in any way. I am ready to send you my install script so you can diagnose it. Do I need to include the files that it installs so that you have all the pieces?

-O. D. Williams-

02-09-2008, 01:12 PM
Web Update only works if you use it in a real install scenario. It does not work in TEST mode.

And of course, you cannot simply move the web update client into another folder. In this case you get:

"The Web Update client could not locate an associated application to update. Please make sure that this software is installed properly."

Hope his helps.


02-09-2008, 01:15 PM
BTW, feel free to send your initial install script (the one that initializes web update) to support at lindersoft dot com and we'll check it for you.
