View Full Version : The strenght of Setup Builder : Comodo vs Verisign

02-06-2008, 03:31 AM
Hi all,

I really again want to publicly thank Friedrich for all his work and efforts
by telling you a "live" story

I have like many here purchased a comodo certificate to sign all my apps and
all is perfect

Like some of you may know, I ma trying since two years to get one or the
other of my apps to be certified by Microsoft as "that" really gives a heads
up sales wise ....

Lately Microsft came up with two new logo's : certified for Windows 2008 and
Works with Windows 2008 offering us - ISV members - to pay full fees of the
verification tests

Of course I jumped on the occasion and tried getting DMC through that

With the help of Friedrich, we got a new version of SB out which enabled me
to version ressource all dll's with full name and version even if that is
never ever required.....I still need to receive from SV a copy of their ADO
driver versioned but ....

For the test all is now perfect also and DMC can get those logos :)

BUT and here is another stringth of SB : Microsoft requires a winqual
account to "know" who is sending apps

Winqual compels us to have a verisign certificate to open an account :
either a 99$ cert. or a 399$ one....

Since yesterday I have been trying and corresponding with Microsoft and
verisign as the 99$ certificate does not function on their site.....till the
end of this month - Microsft requires that we enroll and submit before the
26/02 ......
Good commercial way of doing an extra 300$ for verisign ...... ?

Maybe not : this morning I decided to go ahead and purchase a certificate
for 399$.....BUT forgot about one small point : I yet do not have an
officialy declared company here in France and with comodo I asked them for a
personal certificate and all was easy .....


End of the road for my certification ? - I hope the engineeers at M$ are
able to help me there but this is mainly to show you all that Friedrich has
always been able to get the correct people around him : in the certificate
case imagine what situation if he had made the wrong choice and only
registered companies could receive a cert ???

MERCI mon ami..... a maybe sad dev (maybe still possible to get through all
this if the M$ guys want me badly enough) ..... but still a very happy one


Merci - Thank you


Data Management Center
A tool to help you Transfer - Import - Export your data so easily ....


02-06-2008, 03:34 AM
> Like some of you may know, I ma trying since two years to get one or the
> other of my apps to be certified by Microsoft as "that" really gives a
> heads up sales wise ....

Hello Jean,

Sorry to hear of the issues you've been encountering with Verisign and the
Microsoft programme. I recently blogged a rather contraversial post on this
subject which might be interesting reading for you:

I have been told that there is a $99 certificate available for explicitly
the purpose of the software testing (but not code signing). I have invited
Verisign to comment on why their certificates are required and why
Comodo/Thwate, etc are not accepted and to date have had no response.

But bear in mind that a Comodo certificate from Friedreich plus the rip-off
$99 certificate from Verisign is still cheaper than a Versign code signing

And lastly, Friedriech, you have my thanks for SetupBuilder and the
discounted Comodo offer.

Mike Wilson
Evolved Software Studios (UK)
Software for Construction, Healthcare, Financial and Broadcast Industries

web: <www.evolvedsoftwarestudios.com>
blog: <http://blog.evolvedsoftwarestudios.com>

02-06-2008, 03:36 AM
Hello Mike,

Funnily since this episode no news from Microsoft ..... I'm starting to be
VERY angry with all this

The worse is that the 99$ certificate you and I talk about is not available
on their site..... so it really is an obvious way of making money for
Verisign and nothing else....

An excellent thing Friedrich and his comodo "connections" are quite


Merci - Thank you


Data Management Center
A tool to help you Transfer - Import - Export your data so easily ....


02-07-2008, 02:28 AM
> And lastly, Friedriech, you have my thanks for SetupBuilder and the
> discounted Comodo offer.

Thank you, Mike!! :)


02-07-2008, 02:31 AM
Hi Jean-Pierre,

> I really again want to publicly thank Friedrich for all his work and
> efforts by telling you a "live" story

Thanks do sharing this information and thanks for your kind words!


Friedrich Linder

"point. click. ship" - that's SetupBuilder 6.7
Create Windows Vista ready installations in minutes

-- Official Comodo Code Signing and SSL Certificate Partner