View Full Version : Multiple installation copies

02-07-2008, 02:36 AM
Hi all,

We are currently evaluating SB and need the ability to detect and list the
paths for multiple previous versions. So as an example if the end user has
version 3 through 6 we need to list all of those versions and let them
choose the version they want to upgrade.

We have tested the "Detect Previous Version" and this works for returning
the first one, but not all. Is there a simpler way or do we need to create
a routine for checking a list of GUID's and returning that into a list box
for selection?


02-07-2008, 02:37 AM
Hi Ken,

Absolutely no problem. If you are interested, please export the registry
key that holds he path information and send it to support at lindersoft dot
com. We'll then develop a source code demo for you.

BTW, we have several options. Do you prefer radio button or a listbox
