View Full Version : SetupBuilder 5 Developer Edition Build #1196

07-14-2005, 09:41 AM
SB5 Developer Edition Build #1196 (HOTFIX) is released.

*** This build does not include updated documentation! ***

Please click "Check for Updates..." from within your SB5 IDE to auto-update
your SetupBuilder installation authoring system.

The full SB5 install (code signed SB5 installer) is also available.
Password protected URL: http://www.lindersoft.com/sb5/sb5_1196_Dev.exe

After 1,196 days of research, development, and testing, I think we are
feature and code complete now. The main difference between Release
Candidate 6 and the Final release will be updated documentation.


- SetupBuilder 5.0 Build 1196 #Release Candidate 6# (July 14, 2005)


FEATURE : Add command line compiler support to Developer Edition
(sbuilder.exe /C script.sb5)
IMPROVEMENT: Set "Preprocessor: Set Constant" and "Preprocessor:
Define Symbol" via command line:
- Set #def: sbuilder.exe /C script.sb5 /DS MYSYMBOL "ABC"
- Set #const: sbuilder.exe /C script.sb5 /SC MYCONST "ABC"
IMPROVEMENT: Preprocessor: Set Constant compiler directive. Add "Get
Value from compiler command line
IMPROVEMENT: Preprocessor: Define Symbol compiler directive. Add "Get
Value from compiler command line
IMPROVEMENT: Add "Ignore Self" option to "Check in-use Folder Tree" script
FIX : Possible "Recent Projects" list problem
FIX : Variables were not resolved in Add/Remove Programs functions
FIX : Preprocessor: Define Symbol (Get Value from INI File) was not
working as expected
CHANGE : Replace Clarion DROP DOWN control with a native Windows Drop
Down box:
- Select Text Resource
CHANGE : Minor IDE modifications
REGRESSION : Possible Dynamic Scan Wizard problem


Friedrich Linder
CEO, Lindersoft

"point. click. ship" - that's SetupBuilder 5