View Full Version : Any way to limit web isntall files

02-14-2008, 02:45 AM
My web installation creates 192 files. my users are reporting sporadic
errors with the isntallation EXE reporting that a file does not exist on the
server when in fact it does.

Is there any reason or way to reduce the number of web installation files ?

My web updates are independant of the full installations so similar files
names do not matter. Full installs and updates are stored in different


02-14-2008, 02:46 AM

I have an install with 274 files (including some big ones like MS SQL 2005
Express) and don't have an trouble so long as I don't use any other s/w while
SB is FTP-ing. I did discover that trying to update the web site with Front
Page while SB was uploading caused SB to place some files in the wrong
directory, and this of course caused problems when the porper directery
included install files of mixed versions. Probably an FTP issue and not a SB

Greg Fasolt

02-14-2008, 02:47 AM

This problem is caused by the protection software on the users machines.
The machines "block" access to your server and then the "file does not
exist" error comes up (after web install did another attempt to get the
file, but the protection software did not let it through).

BTW, it's not caused by the number of files.


Friedrich Linder

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