View Full Version : not uninstalling

02-16-2008, 04:27 AM
Hi all,

Testing a setup on vista that we've created and when you go through the
uninstall process, it "acts" like it is uninstalling, but it doesn't
appear to be doing anything. All files / folders are still intact.

Any ideas on where to look. I've checked the "Uninstall" feature and it
is turned on.


02-16-2008, 04:27 AM
If I remember well you install as admin and uninstall as user...something
like that
It then is normal all remains where it is as it is not the same registry
Try uninstalling as admin....

Merci - Thank you


Data Management Center
A tool to help you Transfer - Import - Export your data so easily ....


02-16-2008, 04:27 AM

Thanks for responding. I also tried opening an Admin Command Prompt and
doing it from the command line, still did not remove any files.

I also check the registry and the install path and uninstall path to log
are correct.


02-16-2008, 04:28 AM
not an admin command prompt simply log in windows as admin and uninstall


Merci - Thank you


Data Management Center
A tool to help you Transfer - Import - Export your data so easily ....


02-16-2008, 04:28 AM
Jean-Pierre Gutsatz (DMC) wrote:
> not an admin command prompt simply log in windows as admin and uninstall


My account that I am logged in as, is an Administrator account. Also,
this is the same account that installed the software. It should be able
to uninstall it. When I choose to uninstall, I am prompted like it is
elevating to do the uninstall.

I've tested on XP and it appears to be working fine.


02-16-2008, 04:29 AM
> My account that I am logged in as, is an Administrator account. Also,
> this is the same account that installed the software. It should be able
> to uninstall it. When I choose to uninstall, I am prompted like it is
> elevating to do the uninstall.
> I've tested on XP and it appears to be working fine.

If your using Armadillo for protection and have not upgraded to the 5.x
version you could get a prompt like that when installing/uninstalling on

The 5.x upgrade takes care of the issue.


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02-16-2008, 04:29 AM
No protection whatsoever. Straight PowerBuilder application.


02-16-2008, 04:30 AM
Hi Ken,

> Testing a setup on vista that we've created and when you go through the
> uninstall process, it "acts" like it is uninstalling, but it doesn't
> appear to be doing anything. All files / folders are still intact.
> Any ideas on where to look. I've checked the "Uninstall" feature and it
> is turned on.

Perhaps you install over an already installed product on this machine (a
backup is created) and the "Overwrite Existing Uninstall Application" option
is turned on?

In this case, the uninstall application uninstalls the "new" install and
restores the files from the backup ("old" install).

You can send me (or post it here) the uninstall .log and I can tell you if
this is the case.


Friedrich Linder

"point. click. ship" - that's SetupBuilder 6.7
Create Windows Vista ready installations in minutes

-- Official Comodo Code Signing and SSL Certificate Partner

02-19-2008, 02:55 AM
Hi Friedrich,

I completely remove all evidence (that I know of) of any existing
versions before trying. Including Registry entry, directory structures etc.

I'm installing now to look at the log and will post if it isn't
completely obvious as to why.

As mentioned in a previous post, it does work fine on XP.


02-19-2008, 02:56 AM
Hi Ken,

> I completely remove all evidence (that I know of) of any existing versions
> before trying. Including Registry entry, directory structures etc.
> I'm installing now to look at the log and will post if it isn't completely
> obvious as to why.
> As mentioned in a previous post, it does work fine on XP.

And make sure you did not (accidentally) change the "Requested Execution
Level" for Vista/2008.

General Information -> Generator Settings -> Requested Execution Level -> It
should be "requireAdministrator".

SetupBuilder 6.7 is already compatible with the final Vista SP1 (RTM) and
Windows Server 2008 (RTM), so it's very unlikely that there is a bug in the
uninstall feature ;-)


Friedrich Linder

"point. click. ship" - that's SetupBuilder 6.7
Create Windows Vista ready installations in minutes

-- Official Comodo Code Signing and SSL Certificate Partner

02-19-2008, 02:57 AM
I doubt its a bug also and more than likely something that I am missing.

Log is attached.

Yes I verified the the "requireAdministrator" is set. I also looked
through the log and the first time I looked at the log there were some
"\\" and "C:\\" entries, so I uninstalled, manually deleted everything
(permanent... not to recycle) and then did a reinstall and there were no
"\\" or "C:\\" entries. Everything look fined but when I tried to
uninstall, same issue.

Also I am noting that there are files being created in the root
directory of the hard drive that reflect the register type files but
they have a numerical extension.

For Example;


and so on.

Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated.


02-19-2008, 02:57 AM
Hi Ken,

The "backup" files are created in the root (e.g. \Vspell32.0001) because you
have "manipulated" your backup variable (%_SB_BACKUPDIR%). All the files
with the .000X extension are backup files. The installer replaced the files
during the installation process.

If you are interested, you can send your script to support@lindersoft.com
and we'll check it for you. Please also send your custom uninstall script
(if you are using this feature).


02-19-2008, 02:58 AM
I just searched all files including the "includes" and have not found
any reference to _SB_BACKUPDIR other than seeing it available in the
"Script Variables" column in blue.

I'll email you the script. We are currently not doing any kind of
custom uninstall.


02-19-2008, 02:59 AM
Hi Ken,

> I just searched all files including the "includes" and have not found any
> reference to _SB_BACKUPDIR other than seeing it available in the "Script
> Variables" column in blue.
> I'll email you the script. We are currently not doing any kind of custom
> uninstall.

I have not received your script yet. But this is the magic line in the


The above line sets %_SB_BACKUPDIR% to %_SB_INSTALLDIR%\BACKUP

%_SB_INSTALLDIR% points to the installation folder.

I think you have removed or commented out that line. I'll let you know when
we have received the script.


Friedrich Linder

"point. click. ship" - that's SetupBuilder 6.7
Create Windows Vista ready installations in minutes

-- Official Comodo Code Signing and SSL Certificate Partner