View Full Version : Recently Compiled .EXE files cannot be Code Signed

02-21-2008, 03:20 AM
In two different projects, two recently compiled .EXE files are no longer able
to be code signed. I get the error: 'Compiler error GEN1053: Code signing
process failed.' Other .EXE files in one of the projects are successfully
signed and both of the problem .EXE files use to go through the signing process
without incident. Any ideas about what can cause the error above when code
signing an executable? I checked the attributes of the files and they are not
set to read-only and the executables load and run as usual. Something is
causing the code signing process to fail.



02-21-2008, 03:21 AM
That could mean that the time stamp server you use is not available at the
If you're using the Comodo server, try switching to Verisign. Or vice
Both URLS are in the SB documentation.

Also make sure you haven't changed any paths as to where your certificate
files are stored, etc.


02-21-2008, 03:22 AM
Hi Jane,

Thanks for these things to check.

The time stamp server not being available makes sense but other .exe files in
the same directory are being signed in the same SB compile (and I am getting a
consistent failure on the same .exe files). Also, the paths to the .exe files
are correct and the .exe location has not changed. Just to be sure, I just
checked and everything is pointing to the correct location. It is very strange
because the signing worked fine for these .exe files in previous SB


02-21-2008, 03:22 AM
Hi John,

I am sure it's not caused by the SetupBuilder compile itself. Perhaps you
are using an "expired" certificate for that file?

You can execute SignCode.exe (located in the \Lib folder) and try to sign
the .exe using the same information you have in your script. Perhaps
SignCode.exe gives you an error message.


02-21-2008, 03:23 AM
Hi Friedrich,

Yes, you are right, it has nothing to do with the SetupBuilder compile. The
certificate being used is the same for all of my signed files so that doesn't
appear to be the problem. I'll try executing the SignCode.Exe directly to see
if that yields any additional info.


02-21-2008, 03:23 AM
Hi Friedrich,

Thanks! Executing the SignCode.exe directly gave me the info I needed to track
down the problem. It said the file either did not exist or was read only. I
checked the attributes on the file and they were okay so I checked the task
manager and both of the problem files were in the process list! I ended those
processes and now the code signing is working as it has.


02-21-2008, 03:24 AM
John - Friedrich,

This proves black on white that Setup Builder not only is "the" installer
software to have but also you can use it as a debugger app for Windows Task
Manager <BG> !

The other case were this happens is when the version ressource part of the
exe is badly done (hapened to me here) - recompiled and all went fine....

Merci - Thank you


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02-22-2008, 02:24 AM
Hi JP,

Thanks for the tip!


02-22-2008, 02:25 AM
Hi John,

I have improved the compiler. "Locked" files are detected when doing a
code-sign or embed Vista-manifest now.


02-22-2008, 02:26 AM
Hi Friedrich,

That's great to hear!

