View Full Version : Am I missing something?

02-22-2008, 02:28 AM
This is not a problem in SB but a problem with me <g>

I have 2 installers. One is the initial install with everything in. The 2nd
is an upgrade install. After v1 has been released I include all extra files
in the v1.1 upgrade install. No problem there.

However in v1.2 I clearly need to include all the files in both v1.1 and
those new to v1.2 as someone might upgrade direct from v1 to v1.2 and skip

My problem is that I am now on v8.3 and the upgrade installer has just about
become to all intents and purposes the full install. i.e. I always need to
provide the applications files, all 3rd party files (as they are always
being updated) etc.

Now, all these upgrade files of course are included in the master full
install of course.

So would I not be better to just have one single installer that recognised
if an existing application was there and if so did what was necessary? But
if I do, does this not take away from the patch methodology where installs
are smaller?

It would seem to me that I cannot do both at the same time other than to
limit upgrades to a condition whereby they are dependent on having a
previous version installed.

Bottom line, many of my clients never upgrade for some time then all of a
sudden want to be on the latest version , and so will always be skipping
several interim version upgrades.

Is there any easy solution to this?


John Fligg

02-22-2008, 02:29 AM
I have allways found, that the only way to be sure that everything is in
sync is complete install files.
They can grow quite big - Mine is art the time beeing of app. 90 Mb, but
with the present ADSL lines, its not a major problem.

My to cent...

Edvard Korsbæk

02-22-2008, 02:29 AM

Your reasoning is not that bad BUT consider this (at least my case) :
the help file has to be updated each time ?
all the image file have to be updated each time ?
all setting files have to be updated each time ?

I use a full installer and the updater (of DMC for example) has all dll's of
r3dParties plus the exe and the help file
I add one or two setting files and that's it

The file difference in size depends on what is not sent (in my case) 25Mb to
17 Mb

Whatever you do the updater will grow as when SV comes out with a newer
version required recompile then you will have (and will I) to send in an
update all clarion dll's also .....

BUT an updater is smarter then an installer etc .... so I simply stick with

Edvard says a better way is to do a full install : yes easier for the dev
...... he does not have to check his files and test his updaters etc ....
BUT why did Friedrich write all the updater for then ? <VBG>

I'll let you go more in tech details FL ... :)

My cents :)


Merci - Thank you


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