View Full Version : Copy Folder takes a long time

02-26-2008, 02:51 AM

In some of our installs (I'll use NetTalk as an example) - we include one
copy of a set of files - and during installation, copy that to the various
locations required. In NetTalk's case there are a number of examples, each
requiring their own web sub-folder. Instead of having the 2 MBs worth of
files repeated 38 times, we include one set, and then copy them to the 38

This works fine, and we have a progress bar so that folks don't get too
impatient, the problem is that it takes a good 10 minutes or so for the
copying to take place. A normal DOS copy would probably take a few seconds
for each set to copy - which should equate to a couple of minutes - maybe 3.
I guess these files might be part of a "backup install files" or something -
is there anyway I can improve this? Maybe turn off the install-file backup
during this copy?


Geoff (Capesoft)

CapeSoft - where the computer obeys you!!


02-26-2008, 02:52 AM
Hi Geoff,

The "Copy Files" functions do not backup automatically.

Just tested this with a 25 MB folder (39 files and 9 subfolders). The "Copy
Folder Tree" script function copied this in 4.45 seconds!

BTW, I displayed a "Wait..." dialog (start on separate thread option
checked) during the file copy process.


Friedrich Linder

"point. click. ship" - that's SetupBuilder 6.7
Create Windows Vista ready installations in minutes

-- Official Comodo Code Signing and SSL Certificate Partner

02-26-2008, 02:53 AM
By the way, the same 25 MB copy test with a "Progress Dialog" instead of the
"Wait..." dialog took 4.5 seconds.
