View Full Version : Exception error

02-26-2008, 02:54 AM

I got an exception error (did not write it down, sorry). However, I think I
know the steps to reproduce:

1) Start a new project
2) In the appearance dialog, lookup the top image and select a new one. The
entry changes from [SB]\Images\top1.bmp to the full path. Change it back to
[SB], that is, removing the the full folder name. Repeat for the side
3) Compile. You get an error about the image not being compressed (probably
because it was not found).
4) Go back to the image dialog and re-do the lookups and this time don't
5) Press Test (not compile).

I got the exception at this point. If this is not reproducible, then don't
worry about it, that was not the steps needed to reproduce <g>. I did get
the project to compile and test cleanly after restarting SB.

Russell B. Eggen
Skype Clarion chat: http://tinyurl.com/2273lm

02-26-2008, 02:55 AM
Hi Russ,

Hmm, the problem is that I do *not* get the "image cannot be compressed"
error if I select a new image and then change it back to the [SB] format :-(

I tried to simulate this by using bitmap file names that do not exist. I
get the "image cannot be compressed" error. I change the bitmaps again and
press Compile. It asks for a save project and then compiles and runs the
installer. Strange.

Can you reproduce this issue at will? I am always worried about exception
errors <g> so I would like to find out what caused it on your machine.

Thank you for your help!


02-26-2008, 02:56 AM
I'll keep an eye out for it, there was something I probably did in the
creation of the new project. But I was clicking all over the place, sorry I
was not taking notes <g>. The steps I listed seemed to be the only area
where I had to work something out.

The new project may be the key. Also, I pressed save then press test. That
was the first time I compiled it.

Also, I was doing this on my XP machine if that matters.

If it happens again, I'll get the details. It looks to be a one-off, but
figured it best that you give it a second look to be safe. Consider it
closed for now.

Russell B. Eggen
Skype Clarion chat: http://tinyurl.com/2273lm