View Full Version : SB Web Update - How does it work?

02-27-2008, 02:38 AM
My SB project creates a 10Mb file, but the web update still does not work.

If I run SB with "Enable Web Installation" checked, the result is a 130kb
file. What is that?
Obviously I need some file or other on a website that my app checks for and
compares it with a local file.
Just what are these files called? I have no way of tracing why my app cannot
ascertain that an update is available.

My app procedure has:
Run('wupdate.exe /C /S',1)
If RunCode() = 1
Message('There are updates for download')
Message('No updates are available')

.... and I ALWAYS get the "No updates..." message.

Could someone please explain this to me.

