View Full Version : SB5 Beta 5.0.805 released

06-18-2004, 09:41 AM
SB5 Beta 5.0.805 is available.



- SetupBuilder 5.0 Build 805 (June 18, 2004)


CHANGE : New "multi-thread resizing" algorithm included (not code complete) to fix the MS MDI bug
CHANGE : Compiler warnings appear in blue
CHANGE : Script Editor: when you add a new script action in Script Editor, it is inserted before the currently selected script line, rather than after
CHANGE : Ctrl+F7 hot key combination compiles script
CHANGE : Ctrl+T hot key combination runs installation in test mode
CHANGE : Ctrl+R hot key combination executes installation
IMPROVEMENT: Script Editor: enter key opens properties for currently selected item
IMPROVEMENT: Run button compiles script if setup executable does not exist or date/time stamp is older than script date/time stamp
IMPROVEMENT: Test button compiles script if setup executable does not exist or date/time stamp is older than script date/time stamp
