View Full Version : Going between Command Line and Manual Compiling

Doug I
02-28-2008, 01:59 PM

I was hoping that after upgrading from an older release to the latest V6.7, that I would have enough new commands and techniques to overcome an inconvenience I have had for a long time with SB. (Not a showstopper... but I don't like having to edit my script each time prior to compiling.)

The issue is this... I have one script that compiles my program in several flavors based on an input prompt var I provide when manually running script within SB. I also have a batch file which I created that runs all flavors of this same script in one convenient step.

Currently, I use a preprocessor symbol SCRIPTMODE that I set with a constant value of 1 or 2 manually within the script. When SCRIPTMODE is 1, the script prompts me with my options of how I want my installation compiled. When it is set to 2, the script skips the prompt for variable inputs and relies on the values passed from the command line (i.e. /DS MySwitchVar). Simple Enough concept... except that I hate having to edit the value of SCRIPTMODE each time I jump between running batch mode and manually launching from SB. I have no choice to change the SCRIPTMODE var manually because if I leave the script set to get its value from the compiler command line, then I got an "Unknown preprocessor symbol" error when I run the SB script manually (Note: It would have been nice if this was a warning and SB assumed a null value for unknown symbol values... but I have suggested this in the past and have been shot down on the idea).

I thought after reading the recent thread at http://www.lindersoft.com/forums/showthread.php?t=7357 that I was going to be able to fix this problem using the /CV switch. But the same basic problem exists whether I use the /CV or /DS switch. SB will now give an error "Unknown compiler variable ..." if I run the script from within SB. Basically the same problem as unknown preprocessor symbol.

I don't want to create a duplicate script just to circumvent my issue. This would only open the door to a new set of problems by managing two scripts.

Is there some new command syntax or other way to overcome this that I haven't considered?


02-28-2008, 02:17 PM

What about using the new "Releases" feature?

If this does not help, perhaps you can send a small demo script to support at lindersoft dot com and we'll see what we can do.


Doug I
02-28-2008, 03:31 PM
The Release feature might just do the trick.
After reviewing how it works, I think I might be able to create a special Release for the command line batch job. This release would then set my symbols and vars the way I need it. Otherwise, the default Release would skip over this could using the #ifcompvar condition.

Its worth a try. Thanks


02-28-2008, 03:39 PM

If it does not work, just let us know and I am sure we can find a solution.

Doug I
02-28-2008, 04:57 PM

It works great! My guess is that because you have already pre-defined this internal compiler variable, I am able to overcome the error I had before.

The other nice thing about this command is that it basically eliminates a lot of custom code I added to address multiple variations of install scripts.

I like it... No wonder your product is doing so well.

Now, I am going to try out something else that has been a big issue for me as well with SB (that being your FTP capabilities). I am hoping that I can call an external batch file and use my own Secure FTP client to transmit files to a web server. I just thought about it today and think its doable given all the new commands you have provided me with.
