View Full Version : Suggestion: backup file script function

02-29-2008, 02:51 AM
I may have overlook something that already does this, but I'd like to ba able
to add a script item to back up a file or files not included in the
installation. This would incorporate the sequential numbering and uninstall
support just like installed file backups.

If this capability exists, please point me in the right direction.

Greg Fasolt

02-29-2008, 02:51 AM

At the moment it is possible to "Copy Files" or "Move Files" and log the
actions in the uninstall. This process does not "sequential numbering", it
just copies or moves files to another location (and during the uninstall,
back to the original location).

Does this already help or do you still need a "sequential numbering"
function to programmatically backup files?


03-01-2008, 04:47 AM
Hi Friedrich,

Thanks for responding. Perhaps I was not clear enough.

Suppose I install an app, version 1.0 with SB. The app runs and in the process
creates SomeFile.tps, SomeConfig.tps, etc.

Now my user upgrades to version 2.0. SB backs up MyApp.exe, MyDll.dll, etc.
Since my upgrade (or File Manager 3) may make changes to SomeFile.tps,
SomeConfig.tps, etc. during the upgrade, I should have backups of these which
can be managed by SB should the user need to uninstall 2.0 and revert to 1.0. I
can do this manually using the script, but it sure would be nice to let you and
SB handle it just like installed files ;)

Does this make sense?

Greg Fasolt

03-01-2008, 04:48 AM
Hi Greg,

I re-read your message several times. Hmm, but isn't this what the "Copy
File()" function is for?

You create the upgrade and when SB upgrades 1.0 to 2.0 you let "Copy
File(s)" with the enabled "Uninstall" option make backups of SomeFile.tps,
SomeConfig.tps, etc. This is logged in the uninstall .log. During the
uninstall process, the files roll-back to 1.0.

What do you think?


03-01-2008, 04:48 AM
By the way, what not works in this case is "sequential numbering". So you
have to create a subfolder under the backup folder, e.g. \Backup\2.0 and
copy the files into this folder.

But I think what you are looking for is a function similar to "Copy
File(s)", e.g. named "Backup File(s)" that backups files into the standard
backup folder, automatically supports "sequential numbering" and logs the
files in the uninstall .log, right?


03-01-2008, 04:49 AM
1) I didn't realize Copy had this capability; this will work!

2) This would be fantastic!!: "Backup File(s)" that backups files into the
standard backup folder, automatically supports "sequential numbering" and logs
the files in the uninstall .log"

Greg Fasolt

03-01-2008, 04:49 AM
Hi Greg,

> 1) I didn't realize Copy had this capability; this will work!
> 2) This would be fantastic!!: "Backup File(s)" that backups files into the
> standard backup folder, automatically supports "sequential numbering" and
> logs
> the files in the uninstall .log"

IMO, the "Backup File(s)" function would be a very cool addition. We'll add
it to the next SetupBuilder version.

Thank you for your suggestion! :)


03-01-2008, 04:49 AM
Thank you! (Again!)

Greg Fasolt