View Full Version : Multiple Installations on the same machine

03-01-2008, 05:02 AM
Hi all,

We're encountering a slight problem that we hope there is a workaround
for (or its simply our misuse of the product). However, what we need is
to be able to install our product multiple times on the same machine and
have each of those show up in the "Uninstall" list in add / remove programs.

Each install will be to a different path. The install is working
perfectly, however, the Uninstall is only showing the latest version
that was installed which indicates it is just replacing the same GUID in
the registry.

Whats the best method to handle this?


03-01-2008, 05:03 AM

Windows does not allow this. It has nothing to do with SetupBuilder.

With SetupBuilder, you can install the same product multiple times on the
same machine and you can even have different uninstalls. But if you do
this, you can't register the (different) uninstall programs with the
Add/Remove Programs panel. Why? Because your install has a unique GUID and
this is used to register the product.

Does this help?


03-01-2008, 05:04 AM
Hi Friedrich,

Thanks for the response. You are certainly the expert here, however,
there has got to be a workaround because the other install package we
were using did this without any problem.

Here is my current attempt at a workaround, however, I'm hitting a snag

1) I wrote a small script that generates a GUID and returns it to the
variable %_PB_GUID%.

2) I set the [PRODUCTGUID] compiler variable to %_PB_GUID%.

3) I then set a subkey of %_PB_GUID% in the registry to ProductGUID
which holds the true Product GUID.

This SHOULD work in theory, however, if I do the install in the quick
little install sample I wrote, it is creating a registry key with the
name of %_PB_GUID%.

Any suggestions?


03-01-2008, 05:04 AM
Hi Ken,

> This SHOULD work in theory, however, if I do the install in the quick
> little install sample I wrote, it is creating a registry key with the name
> of %_PB_GUID%.

See documentation for Product GUID [PRODUCTGUID]:

"Runtime variables, such %TEST%, are not permitted"

This design goes back to SetupBuilder 5 and follows the Windows Installer
standard. But the SetupBuilder installer engine (sbkernel) improved over
the years so, I "think", it should be possible to do something here.

In theory, it should be possible for us to change the sbkernel in such a way
that the following can be supported:

1. Set [PRODUCTGUID] compiler variable to %_PB_GUID%.
2. Use "Get System Information (Generate GUID)" to set %_PB_GUID%.

Step 2. has to be done before the following line in the script:

! Create installation .log
Create Installation Log "[UNINSTALL_LOG]"

Please give us 24-36 hours and we'll see if there are any negative side


Friedrich Linder

"point. click. ship" - that's SetupBuilder 6.7
Create Windows Vista ready installations in minutes

-- Official Comodo Code Signing and SSL Certificate Partner

03-01-2008, 05:05 AM
Man, that is (possibly) wonderful news. We will look forward to it.

Keep us posted.


03-01-2008, 05:06 AM

There is a workaround <BG>

Had the same pb here

In code of your app simply do a putreg to change the the directory to send
(app1 then app2 etc....) to and then run the updater
retreive this value from either registry or longpath....

BUT you also need to do a putreg to descrease the version installed as
otherwise the "wise" (<VBG>) updater will think it is already updated so
tell you so and exit

Thank you

Cordialement - Best regards
Jean-Pierre GUTSATZ


Data Management Center - A tool to let you Migrate Import Export Transfer
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03-02-2008, 08:07 AM
Hi Ken,

> Man, that is (possibly) wonderful news. We will look forward to it.
> Keep us posted.

It seems to work fine. The latest internal source codes support a runtime
variable in the "Product GUID" [PRODUCTGUID] now.

For example:

[ Initialize Setup ]
! --- Define commonly used constants ---
#include script "Common Definitions.sbi"

#set compiler variable [PRODUCTGUID] = "%MYGUID%"
Set Variable %MYGUID% to FUNCTION:Get System Information(Generate GUID)

The above sets the [PRODUCTGUID] to "%MYGUID%". Then it dynamically creates
an unique GUID on-the-fly at installer runtime.

The result is that you can have multiple installations on the same machine
with different Add/Remove Program Panel entries.

We'll test it a bit more...

Friedrich Linder

"point. click. ship" - that's SetupBuilder 6.7
Create Windows Vista ready installations in minutes

-- Official Comodo Code Signing and SSL Certificate Partner

03-02-2008, 08:10 AM
Just another day in the life of Lindersoft... Delivering excellence one
feature at a time...


Ben E. Brady
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The information contained in the message above, as expressed by the author,
is copyright 2008 by Ben E. Brady, All rights strictly reserved worldwide.
The information contained in the message above may not be posted on any
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03-02-2008, 08:11 AM
> Just another day in the life of Lindersoft... Delivering excellence one
> feature at a time...
AMEN! to that!! I was commenting yesterday to another developer that I
couldn't believe the level of support that is given by Friedrich and his


03-02-2008, 08:12 AM
>> Just another day in the life of Lindersoft... Delivering excellence one
>> feature at a time...
> AMEN! to that!! I was commenting yesterday to another developer that I
> couldn't believe the level of support that is given by Friedrich and his
> company.

Thank you for your very kind words, Ken and Ben :)


03-04-2008, 02:34 AM
Just checking in to find out the latest status and what (if any) we need
to do.


03-04-2008, 02:35 AM
Hi Ken,

> Just checking in to find out the latest status and what (if any) we need
> to do.

We'll make a web update available this week and then it "just works" <g>


Friedrich Linder

"point. click. ship" - that's SetupBuilder 6.7
Create Windows Vista ready installations in minutes

-- Official Comodo Code Signing and SSL Certificate Partner

03-06-2008, 03:01 AM
Hi Friedrich

We just did a web update yesterday and got Version: 6.7.2153. Is this
the version that allows the modified product GUID?

I ran my little test script and it is still creating a key with the name
of %MYGUID%. Is there something else I need to be doing?


PS. I've attached the test script (which is basically a copy of the
instructions you posted).

03-06-2008, 03:01 AM
Hi Ken,

> We just did a web update yesterday and got Version: 6.7.2153. Is this
> the version that allows the modified product GUID?
> I ran my little test script and it is still creating a key with the name
> of %MYGUID%. Is there something else I need to be doing?
> Thanks,
> Ken
> PS. I've attached the test script (which is basically a copy of the
> instructions you posted).

No, Version 6.7.2153 is the SetupBuilder 6.7 "February 2008 Update 2"
(released on 2/26/2008). You posted your "request" on 2/29/2008 ;-)

Our goal is to release the new Version 6.7.2163 ("March 2008 Update 1") on


03-06-2008, 03:02 AM
Oops! my bad. The early post was in no way meant to nag you guys about
it. We are just THRILLED that it will be available!


03-07-2008, 01:26 PM
> Oops! my bad. The early post was in no way meant to nag you guys about
> it. We are just THRILLED that it will be available!

<G> ;-)

I have compiled your script with out latest internal version (see attached
zip). It works fine and creates multiple Add/Remove Programs Control Panel
entries (see screenshot).


03-12-2008, 02:48 AM
Thanks Friedrich! Its working like a champ here too!
