View Full Version : SetupBuilder Insight #2 - Windows Installer (MSI) Option - Part 1

03-06-2008, 05:21 AM
Over the next few weeks I'll provide some insight as to what is 'in the
works' for SetupBuilder.

Insight #2 - Windows Installer (MSI) Option - Part 1

Some larger clients of our customers demand MSI installation support and
obviously our customers want to give clients what they want and need. So we
will address this in the high-end edition of the upcoming SetupBuilder
Seven, even though there is a change in the Microsoft Windows Server 2008
Certification Requirements. MSI installation is RECOMMENDED/OPTIONAL and no
longer REQUIRED!

In the high-end edition of SetupBuilder 7, it will be your choice. You can
create an installation using the technology that best fits your
requirements. Compile either a powerful and flexible, high-performance
SetupBuilder SetupScript or a fully-functional Windows Installer from the
same SetupBuilder 7 Integrated Development Environment (IDE).

Please note that our own proprietary SetupScript technology is, and will
continue to be, our number one priority. Period! There are various
fundamental limitations of MSI and only our own high-performance
state-of-the-art installation technology gives us full control over the
installation process. MSI can only provide 30%-40% of the functionality
that is available in our own SetupScript technology. And SetupScript has
already been used in millions of setup.exe installations with reliable

Friedrich Linder

"point. click. ship" - that's SetupBuilder 6.7
Create Windows Vista ready installations in minutes

-- Official Comodo Code Signing and SSL Certificate Partner

03-07-2008, 12:28 AM
681 reliable installations just here alone ..

Kind Regards


03-09-2008, 04:19 AM
What I have seen of the MSI support untill now has been a real gem for
Citrix as you know.
To make a 'Standard' MSI, The most needed script part is the 'Select install
path' and (If I remember right) Shortcuts.
And do***entation, which too explains the major diffrences between a MSI
script and a proper <G> .exe

Edvard Korsbæk