View Full Version : Removing of Menu Item

10-27-2005, 08:04 AM

I know in SetupBuilder, we have the ability to add items to the Start Menu
and Desktop. However, what about the option to remove items from the Start
Menu and Desktop.


I have a "What's New V10.pdf" which I distribute with Version 10 and it ends
up on desktop and Start Menu. Now, I install Version 11 over it. What I
would like to do is remove the What's New V10.pdf" from the Start Menu
during the installation/upgrade.

In the future, I'll be smart enough to call it "What's New.pdf" and won't
have this issue ... but right now, it's too late. How can I remove this
item (or the entire group) in the script - is this possible?

Just a thought ... would be nice.


10-27-2005, 08:04 AM
Hi Robert,

A shortcut and a "group" is nothing more than a file and a folder.

You can use the "Get Special Folder Path" to retrieve the StartMenu,
Desktop, etc. folder name. Then use this variable and the "Delete
Local File(s)" function to remove your shortcut or the "Delete Folder"
function to remove a "group".

Does this help?


Friedrich Linder
CEO, Lindersoft

"point. click. ship" - that's SetupBuilder 5

10-28-2005, 08:44 AM
Hi Robert,

>In the future, I'll be smart enough to call it "What's New.pdf" and won't
>have this issue ... but right now, it's too late. How can I remove this
>item (or the entire group) in the script - is this possible?

It's just a link in the menu directory. I think you should be able to
find it with the system directories (I forgot to update my SB5 install
on my laptop before I left home so I'm not sure how to get there in
the latest builds...)

Best regards,

ArnĂ³r Baldvinsson
Icetips Software
San Antonio, Texas, USA

11-02-2005, 08:25 AM
Yes -- Great.

DURRHHHHH!!!!! I should have figured that out myself.
