View Full Version : New FTP Upload function

12-16-2005, 08:36 AM
Great idea, but...

I make several test installs before releasing my software to the public.
I really want to be asked if I want to upload the files at the end of
the build. For my test builds I can just click NO, when I'm ready to
release I can go in modify the version number, rebuild, then hit YES.

I tried adding a #msgbox as the last line of the script, then use #ftp
upload, but it gave me the question before it had finished building and
when I hit cancel, of course it stopped.

Also I need to upload my files to two different sites. Now I know I can
do this with the #ftp upload script command, but I wouldn't want to be
asked for each site if I want to upload. Just the one "Do you want to
upload" followed by all the #ftp upload scripts.

Any chance? :-)
Simon Craythorn
InterVations, Inc

12-16-2005, 08:36 AM

Yes, already included in our latest internal source codes ;-) Simon Burrows
suggested the same yesterday evening via private email.

Thank you for your suggestion! With regards to the #ftp upload
preprocessor. It should work fine if you check "Process after script


Friedrich Linder
CEO, Lindersoft

"point. click. ship" - that's SetupBuilder 5

12-18-2005, 06:54 AM
BTW, you can do this:

#def UPLOAD = (Display Yes/No)
#ifdef UPLOAD Equals "YES" Then
#FTP Upload "C:\test.exe" to ftp.yoursite.com/public_html

Please mark the "Process after script compilation" checkbox.

Friedrich Linder
CEO, Lindersoft

"point. click. ship" - that's SetupBuilder 5