View Full Version : "Get started"

12-17-2005, 02:10 PM
Hi Friedrich,

The Get Started option is great, but it has some limitations.

1. I would really like to be able to _remove_ items from the list.

2. If you right click on an item it works exactly like left clicking on it. IMO when you click on a link like that it should not react until you release the button, i.e. it should react on Button_Up, not Button_Down. IMO the right click should be used for a popup that allowed options such as:

New Project
Open Project
Remove Project from list
Browse Demo Projects

etc. Where the properties would open a window that shows a concentrated information about the project.

Best regards,

12-18-2005, 06:59 AM
Hi Arnor,

1.) It works like the Visual Studio list. To remove it from the list (if you have removed the script) just click the item and it should be removed.

2.) I agree. I'll fix this.

BTW, still working on the Enter/Remove key. Hard to fix:


12-18-2005, 07:07 AM
Right-click on link fixed, thank you.

12-18-2005, 10:57 AM
1.) It works like the Visual Studio list. To remove it from the list (if you have removed the script) just click the item and it should be removed.

I don't want to have to remove the script, I only want to remove the link. I have some installs that I work on maybe twice a year. I don't want them floating in that list. Some of them have the same name (different directories) so it get's very, very confusing. See:


for a sample screenshot from VS.NET 2003. Don't use it much, but it demonstrates the problem pretty well!<g>

Best regards,

12-19-2005, 12:55 AM
Hi Arnor,

Added. It's now possible to remove the link, thank you :)